The Reformer’s Dilemma

Non-Fiction - Memoir
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Reformer’s Dilemma is penned by author Ricardo Rosselló Nevares in the memoir, political consciousness, and sociocultural writing genres. This interesting personal account addresses the challenges of enacting meaningful reform in a polarized political landscape. Drawing from his experiences as a scientist, entrepreneur, and former governor, Nevares explores why society demands rapid change but often encounters standstills. He shares insights from significant events like Hurricane Maria and his time with President Trump. The book outlines three paths forward: understanding the Reformer’s Dilemma, creating a framework for effective reform, and empowering the moderate majority to become a political force. Nevares urges the silent majority to raise their voices and help depolarize societies.

Author Ricardo Rosselló Nevares puts heart and soul into the development of this interesting perspective on society, crafting a read that is both enlightening and inspiring. Nevares's firsthand accounts of handling crises, such as Hurricane Maria and managing a fiscal-economic crisis, provide a stark look into the complexities of leadership and reform with a strong yet friendly narrative tone that was deeply inviting. His critical analysis of the challenges faced in enacting change highlights the paradox reformers encounter: a demand for rapid change versus the inherent resistance to it. This concept is addressed in easy-to-understand terms that build and grow into a bigger picture as the work progresses. The proposed framework for reform is practical and insightful, offering valuable guidelines for policymakers and citizens alike. The concept of the ‘Radical Middle’ particularly resonated with me, emphasizing the potential power of the moderate majority in driving meaningful change, and Nevares’s call to action for this silent majority to step forward and engage in the political process is timely and motivating. Overall, The Reformer’s Dilemma is a compelling read that empowers readers to be active participants in shaping a more balanced and effective democratic society whilst also offering an engaging personal history to enjoy.

Mario A.Solano

"Reformar Dilema" by Ricardo Rossello is an extraordinary memory book that left a profound impact on me. This book is not just a collection of memories; it is a deeply personal and insightful journey through Rossello’s life and his significant political career. I highly recommend "Reformar Dilema" to anyone interested in understanding the personal side of political leadership and the challenges of enacting change. It is a remarkable read that will leave a lasting impression.

Luis Ramos

The book gives us the perspective of how a governor proposes and implements various political, social and economic reforms, the challenges faced by someone who has a different and innovative vision. He also reveal his perspective in how he handles various challenges that include the devastation of the hurricanes in his jurisdiction, economic crisis, with a Fiscal Control Board, his experience dealing with President Trump, his departure from the government and his return as an elected official. , by request of the people and direct nomination in a historical manner.

A Compelling and Insightful Read

I recently finished reading "The Reformer's Dilemma" by Dr. Ricardo Rosselló, the former governor of Puerto Rico, and I must say, it was a profoundly insightful experience. This book offers an in-depth look into the complexities and challenges of governmental reform from someone who has been right in the thick of it.

Dr. Rosselló's perspective is unique due to his background in both science and politics. He successfully bridges these worlds by applying a methodical, analytical approach to the chaotic world of politics, providing readers with a fresh viewpoint on reform. The book is well-written, engaging, and accessible, making complex political issues easier to understand.

One of the standout features of this book is its candidness. Dr. Rosselló does not shy away from discussing the mistakes made during his administration, offering a rare glimpse into the personal and professional struggles leaders face when trying to implement change.

Overall, "The Reformer’s Dilemma" is a must-read for anyone interested in politics, leadership, and governance. It’s not just a book about Puerto Rico’s political landscape but a broader commentary on the difficulties of reforming entrenched systems anywhere. Five stars for a book that is both enlightening and thought-provoking!

Ramon Vazquez

I recently finished reading "The Reformer's Dilemma" by Dr. Ricardo Rosselló, the former governor of Puerto Rico, and I must say, it was a profoundly insightful experience. This book offers an in-depth look into the complexities and challenges of governmental reform from someone who has been right in the thick of it.

Dr. Rosselló's perspective is unique due to his background in both science and politics. He successfully bridges these worlds by applying a methodical, analytical approach to the chaotic world of politics, providing readers with a fresh viewpoint on reform. The book is well-written, engaging, and accessible, making complex political issues easier to understand.

One of the standout features of this book is its candidness. Dr. Rosselló does not shy away from discussing the mistakes made during his administration, offering a rare glimpse into the personal and professional struggles leaders face when trying to implement change.

Overall, "The Reformer’s Dilemma" is a must-read for anyone interested in politics, leadership, and governance. It’s not just a book about Puerto Rico’s political landscape but a broader commentary on the difficulties of reforming entrenched systems anywhere. Five stars for a book that is both enlightening and thought-provoking!

Dania M. Carpena

Recomendado, excelente libro.

Alex Castro

Ricardo Rosselló's "The Reformer’s Dilemma" is an insightful exploration of the challenges faced by individuals and institutions striving for meaningful change within entrenched systems. Drawing from his own experiences as the Governor of Puerto Rico, Rosselló offers a nuanced perspective on the complexities of implementing reform in political and social arenas resistant to change.

Synopsis "The Reformer’s Dilemma" delves into the paradoxes and obstacles that reformers encounter. Rosselló uses historical examples, personal anecdotes, and theoretical frameworks to illustrate the multifaceted nature of reform efforts. He discusses the resistance from established interests, the inertia of bureaucracy, and the often slow and frustrating pace of change.


Resistance to Change: One of the central themes is the inherent resistance that reformers face from existing power structures. Rosselló highlights how those benefiting from the status quo often have the means and motivation to hinder reform efforts.

Moral and Ethical Dilemmas: The book also delves into the moral and ethical challenges that reformers confront. Rosselló discusses the compromises and difficult decisions that must be made to achieve progress, often at the cost of alienating allies or making unpopular choices.

Leadership and Vision: Rosselló emphasizes the importance of strong leadership and a clear vision in driving reform. He argues that successful reformers must not only be idealists but also pragmatic strategists capable of navigating complex political landscapes.

Critical Analysis Rosselló's writing is both engaging and thought-provoking. His use of personal experiences adds authenticity and depth to his analysis, providing readers with a firsthand look at the realities of political reform. However, some readers might find his perspectives heavily influenced by his political career, potentially limiting the applicability of his insights to other contexts.

The book’s structure is well-organized, with each chapter building on the previous one to create a comprehensive understanding of the reformer's journey. Rosselló’s ability to blend theory with practice makes the book accessible to both academics and general readers interested in political science and public policy.

Conclusion "The Reformer’s Dilemma" is a compelling read for anyone interested in the dynamics of change within complex systems. Rosselló’s reflections provide valuable lessons for current and future reformers, emphasizing the importance of resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking. While the book is rooted in the author’s experiences, its themes are universal, making it a relevant and insightful contribution to discussions on reform and leadership.

Overall, "The Reformer’s Dilemma" is a thought-provoking and informative book that sheds light on the often arduous path of those seeking to bring about positive change in the face of significant obstacles.

Michael Gonzalez Cruz

This work by Dr. Ricardo Roselló, the engineer, scientist, and professor, reckons how to confront extreme authoritaririsms, whether these come from the entronized power of a state or from external factions that try to take the state to impose their own ideology. The author of Reformers Dilemma narrates his own political trajectory, noting his triumphs and wrongdoings as a governor. From a social science perspective, he analyzes how inertia in regards to the political status situation has provoked an opportunistic bureaucracy, which has positioned itself in the center of power, while settling the conditions of inequality and dependency that are endemic of the island’s relationship with the United States.


The Reformer Dilemma is the accumulation and intersection of the academic-scientific preparation, political struggle, life experience and passion of Ricardo Rossello. A success on his part to intersperse the scientific method of raw and palpable science such as chemistry and biology within the sometimes surreal world of politics. Without saying that the mathematical genius that lives in him manages to formulate an end-to-end encrypted equation to demonstrate that radicalism can also live in the political center. He demonstrates and proposes the CURRENT NEED for this CENTRAL RADICALISM to unblock important democratic processes in the ossified democracy of the United States and for this he takes the example of Statehood for Puerto Rico. To add a GREAT SPARK, he recounts his experiences as Governor of the Colony of Puerto Rico, which served as a laboratory for all this knowledge, even admitting how the test tube exploded.

And in the end the conclusion that proves the hypothesis that he wanted to prove: To REFORM, the concert and will of the REFORMED is needed.

In conclusion, IT IS NOT A BOOK, but a JOURNEY that takes us to the core of the problem that creates intellectual anxiety in the author, a reason for life and passion. It is a CHRONOLOGY that locates in time and space the POLITICAL REALITY of our time.
Reading it emanates wisdom, everyday practicality and instructions, and its format and structure make it an easy read.
I recommend "The Reformer's Dilemma" by Ricardo Rossello

c.t. camacho

Having lived in Puerto Rico years prior to and through the events that Governor Rosselló recounts in his book, I can attest to the dismal social and economic situation the island faced in 2016, the harrowing experience that were the hurricanes of 2017, and the unfortunate forced resignation of a chief executive half-way through his term. I confess I had my reservations about voting for Gov. Rosselló, given his youth and political inexperience. But I decided to give him a chance after reading his Plan for Puerto Rico, the most comprehensive government administration blueprint ever presented to island voters, offering an in-depth factual analysis of our society, accompanied by real solutions and reforms based on global best practices. The Reformer’s Dilemma confirmed that my vote was well cast. Gov. Ricardo Rosselló delivers a sobering personal and analytical account of his days at the helm of a broken government that he was turning around, despite facing unprecedented economic hardships and the worst natural disaster in Puerto Rico’s history. This book is a must read for anyone interested in how real social development can be achieved if the moderate majority (or “radical middle”, as the book says) stands up against the constant negative narratives of polarizing political extremes.