The Pros & Cons of Becoming a Superhero

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
289 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Pros & Cons of Becoming a Superhero by Tara St. Pierre is a young adult fantasy novel that explores the intertwined lives of its two protagonists. Bex Daltry, an aspiring webcomic artist, and Umie Nakayama, a popular video content creator, find themselves facing new challenges when Umie unexpectedly gains the superpowers of Bex’s comic character, Blue Lightning. The novel delves into themes of identity, personal relationships, and the weight of creative expression as Bex and Umie navigate their changing dynamics and struggles with family expectations and self-acceptance.

Author Tara St. Pierre delivers everything that current YA fiction needs in this representative, relatable, and deeply engaging tale. Both Bex and Umie are vividly portrayed, with everyday struggles around self-worth and family that are tenderly narrated from a close, emotive perspective. I was especially engaged by Bex’s tale, their aspirations and uncertainty perfectly captured in realistic dialogue and thought presentation. The blending of a superhero fantasy with a coming-of-age narrative is cleverly done, allowing readers to explore both adventure and introspective moments with a creative fusion that is always well-paced to never leave readers hanging too long. St. Pierre's narrative keeps readers engaged as the power dynamics between Bex and Umie evolve alongside their personal growth, but there are also some really intriguing twists and brilliantly developed side characters that are so vibrant that they’d easily warrant future stories of their own. Overall, The Pros & Cons of Becoming a Superhero is a must-read for fans of representative, realistic coming-of-age dramas that are also wonderfully adventurous and laced with brilliant sci-fi and fantasy concepts to deliver the message in an exciting and unique way.