The Man with the Sand Dollar Face

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
210 Pages
Reviewed on 02/09/2018
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Author Biography

Author Sharon CassanoLochman delivers a compassionate statement about life after sixty and the importance of the human connection in her debut novel, Man with the Sand Dollar Face.
CassanoLochman’s Man with the Sand Dollar Face brings the scents and sounds from the heart of New Orleans with a 1940’s who-dun-it? flair laced with the hilarious antics of the fictional world’s new face of amateur private detecting Hattie Crumford in this riveting suspense.
Follow Sharon CassanoLochman’s circling thoughts and imagination as she struggles to understand the meaning of her own life through the wandering inner thoughts of Hattie Crumford in the Man with the Sand Dollar Face.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite

When a very upset man comes looking for her boss in the private investigator’s office where she works, Hattie does her best to calm him down. She is extremely frightened when he suddenly collapses in front of her. She runs down the hall, looking for help, but on returning to the office, she finds the body is gone and the police refuse to take her very seriously. Hattie being quirky, extremely talkative, and a little wacky is determined to find the killer and the reason for the man's last words, and the piece of paper with the words 'Blue Diamonds' that she found near the place of his missing body. Hattie’s only friend is Rudy, the doorman of the building, but he is not around when Hattie needs him most. Hattie is followed, kidnapped, drugged and much more before the scary final scene plays out.

Hattie is the star of The Man with the Sand Dollar Face by Sharon CassanoLochman. This is a mystery different from most as Hattie, the heroine, is in her sixties and is left to solve the mystery pretty much by herself. The Man with the Sand Dollar Face is an easy and quick read. I sometimes got a little tired of Hattie’s constant chatter, but it did not get in the way of my wanting to know who did it, why and what the clues meant. Since I myself am a senior citizen, I could well relate to many of Hattie’s issues and was proud of her for stepping so far out of her comfort zone. Sharon CassanoLochman has created a character that hopefully has a very long future in crime solving. I recommend this book for all mystery fans; it is a good read.