The Long Goodbye

Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
96 Pages
Reviewed on 07/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Long Goodbye is a work of non-fiction penned by author Shannon Hayes in the self-help, emotive writing, and grief and hardship genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. In this unique and heartfelt work, the author provides an intimate account of her journey through her father's diagnosis and the ensuing grief. Hayes shares her personal experience, emphasizing the individuality of grieving and the importance of allowing oneself to grieve to achieve healing. Through her candid narrative, she aims to offer solace and support to others navigating their own grief journeys.

Author Shannon Hayes gives a huge amount of herself with an earnest voice and strong sense of catharsis, crafting a deeply moving account of the journey through her father's illness and the grieving process. The candidness and emotional depth provided a powerful reminder of the universality yet uniqueness of grief. Hayes's willingness to share her vulnerabilities and insights encourages a more compassionate and understanding approach to our own grief and that of those around us. As someone who has struggled with intense grief myself, her emphasis on the necessity of grieving to heal resonated strongly, highlighting that there is no right way to grieve except to try your best to be on the path that leads toward healing. The book felt like a comforting companion for anyone facing a similar journey, offering not only empathy but also practical insights on navigating the complex emotions that accompany such profound loss. The warm narration makes you feel as if you’re being counseled by a close friend. Hayes' story is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability and the hope that sharing our stories can help others in their darkest times. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend The Long Goodbye to those who need it most.