The Legend of Kalaj


Fiction - Short Story/Novela
61 Pages
Reviewed on 08/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Legend of Kalaj is the second installment in the Skaluni series by Bruce E. Arrington. Old and tired, Kalaj struggles to forgive the hunters of her tribe for their role in the death of her adopted son, Skaluni, who created the flying island that brought them to the moon, Ayash, and gave them a chance for a new life. Upon her insistence, Dyalocal, the leader of their tribe, forbids the hunters from attacking the Howlers. Meanwhile, Kalaj has a vision of Skaluni asking her to lead the tribe toward the caves. However, after an attack on the local birds results in the death of one of the hunters, the giants and the other creatures of Ayash encircle their island. Kalaj must now rise to the occasion and lead her tribe to safety.

The Legend of Kalaj is a riveting short story from the Skaluni series. The world of Ayash is unique and features creatures you've most likely never met in any other sci-fi/fantasy universe. Bruce E. Arrington has built a magnificent world with diverse terrains and a host of terrifying monsters that keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the book. Kalaj is a fascinating protagonist with a well-written story arc. Circumstances force Kalaj to become the reluctant leader of a group of people she isn't particularly fond of, and it creates an absorbing dynamic between her and the rest of the characters, especially Dyalocal, in which readers will find themselves deeply invested. I was pleasantly surprised by the return of a certain character toward the end. Overall, this is a fantastic novella for fantasy lovers.