The Healings

by Oana

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
258 Pages
Reviewed on 09/16/2011
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Author Biography

Born in Bucharest, Romania, Oana lived twenty years under the grotesque dictatorial regime of Ceausescu. After the fall of the communism in 1989 she studied languages at the University in Bucharest, then received her Master’s at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. English is her third language.

She has worn many hats, working as a translator, as a teacher, and eventually caring for animals both domestic and wild. She volunteered and worked for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centers both in the US and Canada.

She lives in Arizona, where she continues to dedicate most of her time to her animals and to writing.

Her current projects include a memoir titled, Romanian Rhapsody, a children’s book, Dr.Schnauzer and Nurse Lhassa as well as numerous scripts and unfinished short stories :)
She is also an active member of Central Phoenix Writing Workshop and a co-host It Matters Radio Show.
You can read her column titled The Romanian Bite at

    Book Review

Reviewed by Sylvia Heslin for Readers' Favorite

The Healings is a funny tale of a man's journey to self discovery and enlightenment, peppered with a lot of humor. It is, in short, a very funny collection of many, many stories about a single, very depressed man who has "lost his way." The adventures, or the misadventures, of the main character are written in the the third person narrative. The main character has become a severely depressed man who is hoping to find the "meaning of life" in the ever constant, and ever changing, world around him. He travels the globe searching fruitlessly for the truth of his true existence with the aid of his hilariously funny, but mostly sarcastic, feline companion and his somewhat elderly, but always funny, Aunt Lyla. The main character and his feline companion travel near, and sometimes far, while searching in vain for the advice of one guru to another, to old and new friends and very eccentric relatives. The very humorous, and somewhat erratic, tale expands over the course of at least two or more decades. The main character gets what appears to be very useful "words of wisdom" but always seems to end up being "deceived" in his manner of thinking.

The Healings is a laugh-out-loud, hilarious memoir. I especially loved the funny dialogue interchanges between the main character and his cat. Both the main character and the cat were akin to a married couple. They usually disagreed, and bickered just to make up again. In one of their "adventures," both the main character and his cat companion go to "couples counseling" so that they both could learn how to be "one as a couple" again.

I would highly recommend this extremely funny, but always filled with surprises, book to anyone who has always wanted and wished to know what goes on in the mind of the "depressed." There is some sexuality that is sometimes crude but very entertaining. The book, overall, is very witty and is well written but is strictly for the mature audience.