The Harvesting Of Haystacks Kane

Fiction - Literary
348 Pages
Reviewed on 06/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

The Harvesting of Haystacks Kane by Steve Schlam is the profound story of Haystacks Kane, a 607-pound professional wrestler. Haystacks was a big guy with a kind heart who liked the more delicate things in life. An avid butterfly collector, he was used and preyed upon by everyone in his life, with an ex-wife who couldn’t love him and a manager who only saw him as a money maker. Haystacks was gravely injured during a fight and was rendered bedridden. He couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, and was left immobile. All that remained for him was his mind racing to figure out what happened and ponder on his past, present, and future. Without anything to do but think, Haystacks was left wondering where he went wrong in his life and if there was anything worth fighting for.

Poignant and emotional, The Harvesting of Haystacks Kane is a heartrending story. Steve Schlam’s writing style reminded me of Margaret Atwood. The story was just as touching and captivating as I hoped it would be. The story opened with a moving scene and I immediately felt Haystacks’ pain. I wanted to know what really happened to him, who won the fight, and what “it” was that ruined his marriage and life. The narrative style blew me away, but it was Haystacks who stole the show for me. He was emotionally charged and scared, but he knew what was happening to his life. He wanted to grab hold of his life, whatever of it he could capture, and savor it. He had a lot of feelings inside him, and I was glad he could finally release it all at the end. I cried at the conclusion, but it was worth it. Highly recommended!