The Conceivable Future

Planning Families and Taking Action in the Age of Climate Change

Non-Fiction - Environment
384 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

The Conceivable Future addresses one of the most challenging questions faced by today's generation: Is it ethical to have children in a world facing climate collapse? Meghan Elizabeth Kallman and Josephine Ferorelli explore this complex issue without offering easy answers but instead creating a space for reflection. The book combines personal stories with political context, grounding the question of family planning in the broader fight for climate justice and action. Kallman and Ferorelli focus on reproductive justice and how climate change impacts these decisions, offering real-life testimonies from people grappling with this issue. It navigates the complex emotions many women face when considering motherhood in a world increasingly defined by environmental instability. The weight of societal expectations and personal fears about raising a child in an uncertain future are captured authentically.

The book’s strength lies in reframing the burden of climate guilt into collective responsibility. Instead of reducing the climate crisis to individual choices like having children, the authors emphasize the systemic changes needed to protect future generations. This message, especially for women who often feel the weight of these decisions, is both empowering and inspiring. Whether you're contemplating family planning or seeking inspiration to engage in climate activism, The Conceivable Future is an indispensable read. It serves as a beacon of hope and a realistic roadmap, urging readers to envision a more sustainable world worth fighting for, regardless of their decision to have children. Meghan Elizabeth Kallman and Josephine Ferorelli offer an honest and refreshing perspective, particularly for women grappling with these life-altering questions.