The Bird Prison

Children - Adventure
38 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

In The Bird Prison, Tuula Pere tells the story of Griselda and her perfect garden. Everything in the garden is how Griselda likes it, and even the flowers match her clothing. However, Griselda discovers something she does not like. Her perfect garden is invaded by many different colored birds who sing loudly. This infuriates Griselda, and she hatches a plan to bring the birds under her control. A cage seems to be the answer, so she traps all the birds and puts them in “prison.” Can the birds escape and sing happily again? Will they ever be able to fly to the nearby trees and live in freedom? Is it right to isolate someone because they are different? Why do you think Griselda did not live in harmony with the birds?

There are so many discussions The Bird Prison can lead to that it is hard to list them all. These discussions will give you and your child hours of quality time together as you help your child explore all the options. Is it right to discriminate against someone just because they don’t fit your ideal of what they should be? Was Griselda happy or bitter? Why would she be mean to the birds? Tuula Pere writes on a child’s level, so the young reader will enjoy reading and discussing this book. Sofia Panchyshyn does a masterful job of illustrating this book. Look for the hero who helps the birds escape. How old does your child have to be before becoming someone’s hero?

Anne-Marie Reynolds

The Bird Prison by Tuula Pere is a lovely children's adventure story. Griselda has the perfect garden, not a blade of grass out of place or a weed to be seen. All the colors match perfectly, so when her garden is taken over by colorful but noisy birds, Griselda doesn't like it. She doesn't want anything to mess up the peace and tranquility in her garden, so she embarks on a battle to get rid of them. The birds are sad at being imprisoned, but it doesn't take long for help to arrive. How do the birds escape their prison? And what will they do when they finally get free?

The Bird Prison by Tuula Pere is an educational book that teaches children that diversity makes the world go around. It also teaches them that there are always consequences to what we do. This is a colorful story about a character who cannot tolerate anything different and won't accept that perfection is not all it's cracked up to be. Sometimes, we have to let those noisy, colorful birds in to make our world seem alive. This story is a powerful reminder that inclusivity is important and that pushing people, animals, or things aside because they don't fit in with our picture of perfection only leads to a lonely life. The illustrations by Sofia Panchyshyn bring this story to life. The story is written in easy-to-understand language. The lessons in this book are important for kids to learn as early as possible so they can shape the rest of their lives. It's the ideal book for parents and teachers to use as a teaching tool

Astrid Iustulin

Griselda is proud of her garden. Everything is in perfect harmony, and only flowers that match the colors of her clothes can grow there, with red and pink as the only shades allowed. However, things change when some birds nest in the bushes of her garden. Griselda is not happy; not only are the birds bothering her with their colors, but they are also upsetting her with their singing. Griselda decides to take action and tries to get rid of them, and finally, she manages to trap them all in a cage. What will happen to the birds then? Author Tuula Pere will tell you all about it in The Bird Prison.

The Bird Prison has a lot of food for thought for young readers. The most crucial lesson is the importance of tolerance and acceptance. You should avoid acting like Griselda, who despises the birds because their colors do not match the colors of her flowers, and learn to appreciate and welcome those different from us. Tuula Pere reminds us of the value of freedom and how it is necessary to avoid places where it is not respected. Sofia Panchyshyn's illustrations are amazing, especially when they depict flowers and birds. The representation of Griselda is memorable, and her selfish nature is instantly clear to those who look at her. This book is delightful, and I recommend it to all readers who want to pass on to their children important values ​​that will make a difference in their lives.

Pikasho Deka

Griselda couldn't be more proud of her garden. It's so perfect that the garden has no other flowers besides those in red and pink. Only those flowers that match Griselda's clothes are allowed to grow there. Griselda is particularly fond of her red roses. However, the garden's serene harmony breaks apart when a bunch of colorful little birds start building their nests under the shelter of the pink rhododendron bushes growing in the garden. Griselda can't handle the birds' vibrant colors and distinct singing voices. She tells them to get out of her garden, but the birds are nesting and can't leave their eggs yet. So, she traps them in cages. The birds are terrified and desperate for freedom. Will someone help them? Find out in Tuulu Pere's The Bird Prison.

This is a cute short story about embracing diversity. Author Tuula Pere never misses the mark with her children's books, and The Bird Prison continues her golden streak. All the characters in this book, apart from Griselda, are animals. Griselda is a fascinating antagonist. She is full of pretentious whims and can't stand the thought of anything ruining the appearance of her carefully planted garden, even if that comes at the cost of some adorable little birds losing their home. Readers will love rooting against her. My favorite part of the book was definitely the ants coming to the rescue of the birds. Sofia Panchyshyn's hand-drawn artwork is simply beautiful, and the illustrations enhance the story even more. As someone who has read multiple children's books by Pere, I have to say I have become a fan of this author. In conclusion, this is a heartwarming tale for kids.