The Alpha Particle

A Tom Rivers Thriller - Book 2 (Tom Rivers Thrillers)

Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
346 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The Alpha Particle by T.J. Hawkins is the second book in the Tom Rivers thrillers series. After an encounter with Baqri, Tom woke up in bed at a secret section of MI5 and was told he was a Counter-Terrorist Asset; in short, he was a sleeper. Tom would only be activated in case of severe threats to the United States, and Baqri threatened the United States. A secret organization called The Collective was supporting Baqri. The Collective had members in powerful positions. They were a group of wealthy, powerful, and influential people from around the world. Tom found out that his American wife, Luna, was a similarly trained asset and also a sleeper. Tom’s knowledge of Baqri and his terrorist cell was vital, and the president personally instructed Tom and Luna to stop Baqri.

The Alpha Particle by T.J. Hawkins was intriguing and complex. There was never a dull moment in this fast-paced story. It was jam-packed with action, and I could not put the book down, too afraid I would miss something. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next. The writing style was engaging and had me hooked from the first page until the last. The characters were well-developed and strong. Tom and Luna's transitions from ordinary persons to special agents were natural and comfortable. The description of where polonium and alpha particles come from and the devastation they could cause were interesting, and even an uninformed person like me could understand it. This book is excellently written and very interesting.