Taxonomic Vignettes

Poetry - General
178 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Alan Cohen draws upon his own experiences to weave a colorful tapestry of life and its many different aspects in Taxonomic Vignettes. Cohen tells captivating stories through a collection of mesmerizing poems that delve into the myriad of surprises life has to offer. These poetic stories show how our trajectories in life take us to different places where the people we once knew become strangers with choices and priorities of their own. One of the poems is about a friend who believes Jack Gilbert is the best poet of them all. As we evolve, our friendships also change, as our differences begin to cast a shadow over our relationships, beautifully demonstrated in "Best Poet Hands Down." "A Nail" tells the story of two friends who drift apart over the course of their lives.

Taxonomic Vignettes is a masterclass in poetic storytelling. Alan Cohen's verses strengthen their hold on you the more you read, and by the end, you feel you will revisit this collection over and over again. Most of these poems reflect on the narrator's life and varied experiences, with a special focus on friendships. It's a very immersive poetry collection, and at times, you almost feel like you're seeing life play out through another person's perspective. Some of Cohen's verses also display a hint of dry humor that I very much enjoyed. This collection screams for a reread and is one of the many reasons why I think it will be a hit among more experienced poetry readers. If you're a poetry enthusiast, do not miss out on this book!