Tales From the Starlight Kingdom

Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
79 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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Author Biography

Michael Andrews is a writer who specializes in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, & YA genres. He started writing at a young age and often shared his whimsical tales with his close friends and family.

After writing two books for his autobiography, Michael began writing fiction with a children's book of fairy tales inspired by his niece Skye. When he's not planning his next fantastic story, he enjoys traveling, gaming, and spending time with his family.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

In Tales From The Starlight Kingdom by Michael Andrews, the Starlight Kingdom is full of dreams and magical things. The Starlight Compass guides young dreamers to the place they want to go. The King and Queen are celestial guides, too, with a comet-tail crown and a stardust gown. There’s a troll who asks for a toll to cross the bridge, but the fee is not high. He just wants a happy thought or a fun story to let the dreamer cross. Fairies, dragons, mermaids, wizards, dancers, and other mythical things all make an appearance in the Starlight Kingdom and encourage the dreamer to dream of anything they wish in their own magical way.

This collection of poetic stories and fairy tales is told in a rhyming fashion that will capture the heart of anyone who reads it. I love the way Andrews added mythical and legendary creatures along with ships and compasses to tell these fascinating stories that will lull kids to sleep with magical ideas to dream about. The beautiful illustrations match each story or tale that follows and add an interesting layer of peace to the entire book. I recommend Tales From The Starlight Kingdom by Michael Andrews to anyone with small children who enjoy fairy tales. I am certain that kids will cherish these stories for years to come, whether they are reading by themselves or having a parent or guardian read to them before bedtime. I hope this author has plenty more stories about the Starlight Kingdom ready for another installment like this beautifully crafted book.

Pikasho Deka

Hop on for a magical adventure in a land where your wildest dreams come true with Tales From the Starlight Kingdom by Michael Andrews. This fascinating collection of nursery rhymes takes young readers on a journey through the magical land of the Starlight Kingdom. Using the Dreamland Compass, dreamers can navigate this fantastical realm of dreams. To cross the troll bridge into the land of dreams, you must pay the price of three smiles, two giggles, and tell a true story. The Starlight Kingdom contains a plethora of magical creatures. There are mischievous fairies who live in the heart of the forest. In the ocean's depths, a mermaid guards everyone's sleep with a magical pearl while talking animals play in the glade. There are winged unicorns who pull the Celestial Canter, and at night, Sir Snooze-a-Lot keeps nightmares at bay.

Whimsical and wondrous, Tales From the Starlight Kingdom takes you on a magical odyssey you don't want to end, showcasing the power of imagination and how it pushes us to make our dreams come true. Using an effective combination of rhymes and phenomenal worldbuilding, Michael Andrews delivers a picture book that will create many new fans of fantasy among young readers. Andrews' rhymes are singable and tell tales of magical creatures in a world where nothing seems impossible. The Starlight Kingdom is an immersive world that will keep the attention of young readers. Apart from Andrews' storytelling, the colorful illustrations bring the rich magical realm and its creatures to life. This is a book parents will love to read to their children. Highly recommended.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

There is magic in the skies; the stars are alight with enchantment and dreams that really can come true. In Michael Andrews’ Tales from the Starlight Kingdom, a realm of star-spun tales can take anyone’s imagination on a wondrous flight of make-believe and wonderment. There are mermaids in the skies, kings and queens, brave teddy bears, trolls, and even mischievous fairies and wise wizards. They all have stories to share, stories that will make you gasp in awe and dream your own dreams enriched by a star-studded sky. And the stars are invitations for all who dream to make their own stories and to create a place where the reader becomes the star, the hero. After all, that’s what magic is all about.

Michael Andrews’ children’s book, Tales from the Starlight Kingdom, is a feast for the eyes and the imagination. Told in simple language that welcomes young readers to the magic of the stars, this book is a gem to spark imaginations. The illustrations are superb: bright, bold, colorful, and magical in their own right. The entire book is a work of art, created by one person’s imagination to inspire that of others, no matter our age. Each story, told like a nursery rhyme, is only an outline; the rest of the story is up to the reader to create. The setting and the characters are described, that is, all except the main character: the reader, the true hero of each story. This book is a real treasure to be cherished and enjoyed.