Taking Elyse

Fiction - Mystery - General
318 Pages
Reviewed on 03/15/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite

Taking Elyse by Jody Fife is a powerful story of faith, mystery and suspense. Elyse is a good wife to Peter and a loving mother to her daughter and twin girl and boy, and a strong believer in God. All is good in her life until one fateful evening when she is pulled from her car and her nightmare begins. Kenja and Marcus are the kidnappers; Detective Macie is assigned the case. Erika is Elyse’s sister who has come to wait for her sister’s return and to take care of the children in her absence. Dan is the friend who helps Erika get through the hard times.

During the next 39 days we travel through the snow and rain, feeling and sharing in Elyse’s hunger, pain, fright and strong faith which is what keeps her going. We get to know Kenja and Marcus, two very different kinds of men – one gentle and only wanting the money he was promised; the other mean and tough and wanting to get the job done any way he can. We find out what kind of man Peter is and learn to really like Erika and her caring ways for both the children and Dan. Detective Macie never gives up the search and follows each and every lead as the trio travels across the country until the case is solved.

Taking Elyse is a really good book. Jody Fife has written a story that goes into the heart and head of the good, bad and in-between characters that pulled me right along into the story. I was so sure I knew the kidnappers several times, but never once did I have it right. Taking Elyse will keep you on the edge of your chair; it will make you angry, it will make you cry and it will make you smile – it is that good a book.

Michelle Randall

Elyse is on the way home from her best friend when the unthinkable happens; she is kidnapped. What unfolds in Taking Elyse is two-fold - first it is Elyse's struggle to stay alive and alert with her kidnappers, and at the same time leave small clues behind for the cops to find her. On the other side, it is the interwoven tale of a detective who cares about this case and how it affects his family. Then there is Elyse's family, her husband and children, her sisters and best friend, not to mention the whole community where it seems Elyse was just a favorite person. So many different people play roles in finding bits and pieces of the clues that have to be put together by Detective Maci; it is truly a work of art in how it all comes together. Jody Fife presents a different take on a kidnapping, and how it can affect people.

Taking Elyse also has a strong religious theme in that a particular faith is very important to Elyse and plays a large part in her communications and interactions with everyone we see her encounter. The kidnapping and why remains a mystery until the very end where it is revealed who was behind the whole thing, but each person suspected has their own reasons, motives and seems like they might be the one, right up until the end. Jody Fife does a remarkable job of keeping the mystery going until the end, not tipping her hand too early in the book. This is a great read for all ages, young adult and up.