Sweet Glory

Glory: A Civil War Series Book 1

Young Adult - General
170 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2016
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Author Biography

Lisa Potocar lives in upstate New York with her husband and two cuddly keeshonds. Her passion for writing and research stems from her former work in healthcare administration and as a professor. When not tracking some morsel of history to shape into a story, she is a tomboy at heart who loves to hike and bike and has traveled the world to do it.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Sweet Glory by Lisa Y. Potocar combines elements of adventure, history, and coming of age to offer both young and adult readers great entertainment. Disguised as a man, Jana Brady joins the Union Army to defend her country. With a new identity, she meets a woman like her and other young men. But what awaits them might not be the sweet glory she’s dreamed about. She gets to experience the evils and misery of war at very close quarters and begins to question why she even decided to join the army. Things take a turn for the worse when Jana gets hit by a bullet and when the very man she’s hoped to develop a romance with is captured. Can she make it out of the mess, and can her fate and that of Keeley the Irishman be linked in any way?

Lisa Y. Potocar has a great gift for character and plot. As a debut novel, Sweet Glory is a huge success. The prose is beautiful, peppered with powerful descriptions that allow the reader to have a complete picture of the setting and the characters. I enjoyed the way the author integrated historical elements of the Civil War into this tale. There are many surprising plot points that enhance the already overwhelming sense of suspense, making readers worried about the fate of the protagonist and wondering about the outcome of the story. Jana Brady is a well-crafted character and readers will enjoy her in her friendships with others, but most of all, they will love to watch her face her illusions. The romance that develops within the story adds spice to the intense action. This book is a rewarding read.