Sunday Jenks

Fiction - Drama
278 Pages
Reviewed on 08/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

Sunday Jenks by Nellie Hill is an intriguing novel that delves into the life of Sara Demcott as she tries to navigate life as a poet. When Sara applies for a part-time secretarial position with Al Jackson, she has no idea what she is getting herself into. Despite her quiet misgivings about him, the pay is too attractive to pass up. Together with Al’s associate Art, Sara finds herself drawn into some shady business dealings that force her to question her morals, feelings, and motivation. It is not long before Sara tries to extricate herself from Al’s allure. But will she have the mental strength and fortitude to stay strong and fight for herself and her career?

In Sunday Jenks, Nellie Hill explores various themes, with the most dominant being moral doubt, and personal integrity. When Al asks Sara to choose a name, she adopts the persona of Sunday Jenks. To Sara, this name makes her more daring and more involved in Al’s schemes. However, Sara soon realizes that this persona is pulling her away from the work that she loves, as well as her friends and family. Hill’s well-developed characters play a crucial role in shaping Sara’s journey and ultimately in finding herself. Through the twists and turns of the narrative, I found myself rooting for Sara, especially as she wrestled with her inner conflict about Al. I immensely enjoyed Sunday Jenks, and I would recommend this to readers who love complex characters navigating moral dilemmas and seeking personal growth.