Spanish Prisoner

World's Oldest Con Game: Money, Love and Sex.

Romance - Suspense
740 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2024
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Author Biography

Jack Dancer is like a human pinball, bouncing through life with all the finesse of a drunk elephant. Born with a silver spoon (which he quickly pawned for beer money), Jack’s seen it all—from the gutter to the penthouse, sometimes in the same week.

By 11, he realized Santa was just Dad with better marketing. At 13, he discovered girls weren’t icky. By 14, God seemed as real as his dreams of becoming a pro yodeler.

At 16, high on hormones and low on common sense, Jack and a trio of teenage dreamers headed for New York. Instead of fame, they found themselves living in a basement with a wino until Jack’s dad dragged him back home.

Lesson learned? Hardly. It was just the opening chapter in Jack’s “How to Piss Off Authority” guide.

By 18, he’d landed at a Florida school for sociopaths, which earned him a “get out of Vietnam” pass. He hitched to Boston with a new wife and cat, dove into the counterculture, and worked as a welder for a defense contractor. Life’s full of contradictions.

Jack’s resume reads like a drunk’s dartboard: ice cream man, boardwalk barker, welder, snake oil salesman—sorry, advertising executive.

He’s been married four times (one lasted 28 years, one was a hiccup), and fatherhood taught him that kids are like tattoos on your face—seemed like a good idea at the time.

In Jack’s world, life’s simple: no sequel, no refunds.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Golder Hazelton for Readers' Favorite

A well-seasoned adage playfully proclaims that men are born with two heads and only enough blood to run one at a time. Never has that been more true than in the case of Tucker Blue, the indefatigably single-minded and unwittingly charming anti-hero of Jack Dancer’s Spanish Prisoner. Tucker, middle-aged and freshly divorced but still highly libidinous, is bumped off a standby flight at JFK and meets stunning and equally stranded standby traveler Monica Reyes, with whom he falls irretrievably and instantly in lust. In the next 600-plus thrilling and unpredictable pages, the two embark on an epic adventure that carries them, by plane and train, as their erotic adventure morphs into a life-and-death game of cat-and-mouse with government agents and world-class criminals from New York to London, through the French countryside, and on to Barcelona for an impossible-to-predict ending that will leave readers breathless and abundantly satisfied.

Tucker Blue, hopelessly heterosexual and refreshingly singular of purpose, wants only to close the deal with the mysterious and alluring Monica and never expects to find himself in any of the extraordinary scenarios he miraculously survives. Along the way, he becomes a consummate anti-hero, just trying to survive, and peppers Jack Dancer’s delightfully explicit narrative with wickedly amusing quips and metaphors that will keep even the most discriminating readers turning “just one more page.” A typical “Tuckerism”: comparing the common name for oral sex to a phrase from Italian opera - this character is as funny as he is ingenious. In truth, Jack Dancer’s plotting and characterization skills are so prodigious (just wait until you meet Raven) that much of Spanish Prisoner defies categorization. As a bonus, Dancer thoughtfully includes an introductory list of characters and a most welcome epilogue detailing key characters’ fates after the story ends. Between the white-heat sexual tension, the nail-biting moments as Tucker and Monica run from two separate and equally sadistic sets of villains, the “Hold my beer” suspense, and the “Did that really just happen?” reversals and plot twists, Spanish Prisoner reads like a Who’s Who of masterful literary devices. Spanish Prisoner is a thriller, part erotic romance and part travelogue. It often reads like a true crime offering with scenes rivaling the most terrifying in the horror genre, and, in its more inventive moments, has all the madcap comedic frenzy of a farce. This is a novel like no other, full of plot twists and seemingly impossible scenarios that coalesce brilliantly and unexpectedly into a thrill-a-minute potboiler not to be missed.

Romuald Dzemo

Spanish Prisoner: World's Oldest Con Game: Money, Love and Sex by Jack Dancer is a thrilling journey into the shadowy realm of deception and primal desire. Set against the enchanting backdrop of Barcelona, this gripping tale follows Tucker Blue, a recently divorced man whose life takes a dangerous turn when he falls under the spell of the beguiling Monica Reyes. They first meet at the airport, and Tucker finds her irresistible, so he quickly invites her on a ride from London through France to Barcelona. He is determined to do everything it takes to have Monica. In his pursuit of Monica, he falls into a trap prepared by government agents for a big-time crook, and suddenly, he holds a €120 million ticket in his hands. Now, as their attraction for each other grows, they must stay ahead of enemies they can’t even name, from government agents to criminal masterminds. Can they survive in a world where danger lurks around every corner, and any casual stranger could be a threat?

Jack Dancer is a great storyteller who melds thriller elements with effortlessly sizzling romance while building tension without losing the sense of humor that keeps readers focused on every scene. When Tucker meets Monica, their whirlwind romance becomes a thrilling rollercoaster ride of danger and intrigue. The story has a lot for readers with various tastes — romance, suspense, and erotica. The plot is cleverly imagined and skillfully executed, packed with moments of danger and uncertainty, a treacherous landscape of government stings, criminal pursuits, and life-threatening encounters. The chemistry between Tucker and Monica crackles with tension; readers are left in suspense as they want to learn Monica's real identity. She is the femme fatale at the center of the storm. With her stunning looks and irresistible charm, she captures Tucker's heart and leads him into a world of danger and deceit. As the plot unfolds, Monica's true motivations come into play, leaving Tucker to question whether he knows her as well as he thought. Spanish Prisoner is entertaining and intriguing, with sophisticated characters, superbly written conflict, and emotional steam that will carry readers through the pages. You can’t stop once you open the first page — the humor, the realism woven into the characters, the expert depiction of raw desires and pleasures, and the spell of the prose will have you captivated.

K.C. Finn

Spanish Prisoner: World's Oldest Con Game: Money, Love and Sex is a work of fiction in the romance, suspense, and adventure genres. It is best suited to mature adult readers owing to scenes of explicit sex and violence as well as the use of strong language throughout. Penned by author Jack Dancer, the plot exposes the intricate web of deceit woven around Tucker Blue, a divorced man navigating midlife dating. Falling for the irresistible Monica Reyes, Tucker unwittingly becomes entangled in a government sting operation, thrusting him into a dangerous game of deception and desire.

Author Jack Dancer showcases a passion for suspense and action as he crafts a wild rollercoaster ride through the murky waters of love, lust, and deceit. The gripping narrative has a great balance of action-packed details and smooth pacing, and it kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly turning pages to unravel the tangled web of intrigue surrounding Tucker and Monica. The steamy romance between the protagonists is characterized by their strong, dynamic dialogue, which also shows their individual witticisms and powerful attitude differences. The relentless suspense of the plot twists is measured to toe the line carefully between realism and larger-than-life moments, and the continuing revelations kept me guessing until the very end. Dancer's vivid descriptions painted a realistic and emotionally resonant picture of Barcelona's vibrant streets and seedy underbelly, adding an immersive layer to the tale that really matched the mood of the characters well. As the stakes escalated and danger loomed around every corner, I found myself fully invested in Tucker and Monica's tumultuous journey. Overall, Spanish Prisoner is a gripping thriller that delves deep into the darker aspects of human nature, and I would certainly recommend it.

Asher Syed

In Spanish Prisoner by Jack Dancer, Tucker and Monica meet at JFK Airport and embark on a spontaneous European journey together. Their attraction and their sex drives only grow stronger alongside a barrage of logistical hurdles. Meanwhile, Drusilla “the Raven” Libica plots with her sons in a near mustache-twirling degree of evil that may, or may not, involve an impromptu orchiectomy and corpse manipulation. In Barcelona, Tucker enjoys dinner with friends while Monica confides in another about her conflicted feelings for Tucker. Still, Tucker and Monica have more life-altering choices to make than whether they belong together or if Tucker's BDSM preferences lean toward gag-ball submission, particularly after Tucker finds himself hiding a winning lottery ticket at breakfast and friends go missing. The pair becomes ensnared in a lengthy string of dangers, leading to a cascade of events shaping their intertwined destinies—if they can survive it.

Part travelogue, part thriller, and with a large dose of kink, Spanish Prisoner by Jack Dancer ticks all those boxes for a romantic adventure with a twist. I smiled when Tucker is driving around Spain in a Mini Cooper, a la The Italian Job, and Dancer is still able to make the atmosphere picturesque in a deadly chase scene with bullets flying, with prose like, “Suddenly, a break in the buildings—a glimpse of the majestic Sagrada Familia bathed in the moonlight. A landmark, a beacon.” The story is a bit of a slow starter but picks up as the pieces begin to click into place until it is full steam ahead and the pages practically turn themselves. I really liked Monica, Tucker less so, but Nanette turned out to be my favorite for reasons that elude even me. This is a testament to Dancer's skill in character development, pushing a full fleshing-out of ancillary characters that complement Tucker and Monica and make the story better for it. This isn't a novel for everyone, but those who enjoy contemporary romance thrillers with sizzle will find plenty of it here. Very highly recommended.

Jamie Michele

Spanish Prisoner by Jack Dancer follows Tucker Blue, who is ready to start dating again after the end of his double-decade-long marriage. Monica Reyes fits the bill, except she's still married and more interested in side hustles than any form of commitment. Still, love is on the horizon even when a European whirlwind together puts Tucker on the radar of some bad people. Their relationship has its ups and downs, as well as ins and outs with other people. What looks like a lucky draw for Tucker turns out to be less than ideal in the short haul, but it's the long game he hopes to play with Monica. The race to save the relationship, Tucker's bank account, and their necks becomes a full sprint.

Spanish Prisoner by Jack Dancer is a story with multiple angles, a lot of historical exposition and chats about social issues in the world, and loads of sex. Within this, there is the suspense that starts with the point of view shifting to Drusilla Libica, a brutal woman with her own past involvement in social unrest. Swapping points of view contributes to the overarching suspense and it is refreshing not to be kept in the dark, like Tucker, with the machinations in the background. Monica has a backstory that is also spirited and rooted in activism, is firm and unapologetic with her sexual agency, and wears her chops as a feminist proudly. Dancer writes the story with intelligent humor and some quirky escapades that, when paired with the action sequences, are as well-suited as his protagonists.