Sea Tigers & Merchants

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
350 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Sea Tigers & Merchants by Sandra Wagner-Wright is a historical fiction novel set in the late 18th century, exploring the turbulent maritime world as America establishes its identity under a new Constitution. Amid rising tensions between France, Britain, and the young United States, the story follows the lives of American merchants and sea captains, particularly the Derby and Crowninshield families, as they navigate business empires, personal ambitions, and familial conflicts. The novel also highlights the often overlooked roles of women during this era, showing their influence and determination in a rapidly changing world.

Author Sandra Wagner-Wright’s meticulous research is the first thing that leaps out at you from this vibrant novel, bringing historical figures and events to life with rich authenticity, strong attitudes, exemplary dialogue touches, and cinematically good descriptions. There are moments when a scene is introduced as if unveiling a great blockbuster epic, and then the action turns to the intricate character drama, drawing readers into the complex family dynamics happening against the backdrop of broader history. This is both compelling and immersive, and Wagner-Wright’s portrayal of strong, determined women offers a fresh perspective on the era as the narrative focuses on the unsung heroes of the time. The vivid maritime adventures and business intrigues are balanced with personal stories and the realistic effects of hardship and success, making the novel both engaging and educational from the perspective of real people who lived at the time. Overall, I definitely recommend Sea Tigers & Merchants as an empowering and emotive read for fans of bold historical fiction everywhere.