Rise of Grimdor

Drake Thomas

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
348 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jefto Pierre for Readers' Favorite

Rise of Grimdor by Tyler Svec and Jordan Svec tells the story of a kingdom, Grimdor, on the verge of complete desolation. Centuries ago, while the world was still young, Lathon, an elven king, ruled the entire land. A terrible war divided the land into two factions. One of the kingdoms was ruled by Lathon. The other kingdom, Grimdor, was governed by those who opposed Lathon. The people of Grimdor ultimately corrupted their land with evil, but a prophecy spoke of a savior named Shedaros, who bears Lathon's mark on his hand. This savior will unite the races of elves and men and restore hope and order throughout the kingdoms. Drake Thomas, a man of unknown origin, bears this mark. Mysteriously, Drake lacks all memory of his identity and purpose. But could he be the prophesied Shedaros, Lathon's chosen heir? An ancient entity and the forces of evil stand in his way. Will Drake discover his true destiny before it is too late?

Steeped in adventure, suspense, action, magic, and wonder, this enchanting Christian fantasy will seize readers' attention from beginning to end. Tyler and Jordan Svec have crafted an immersive world filled with authentic and captivating characters. There's a mixture of fae races, elves, dwarfs, spirits, and borags. I enjoyed getting to know the different races, their attributes, and intriguing histories. I like how the authors weaved the theme of good versus evil, and justice versus injustice, into the storyline. Drake and his companions are the very epitome of righteousness and heroism. It was invigorating watching them relentlessly battle the forces of evil. The novel has a Lord of the Rings vibe, which I found inviting and nostalgic. I couldn't put the book down after reading past the first chapter. The plot pulls you in very quickly and presses you to keep reading. If you're a fan of fantasy fiction, Rise of Grimdor will definitely hold your interest throughout.