Reluctant Hero

Book One of the Seeded Saga

Fiction - Science Fiction
375 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by David Jaggart for Readers' Favorite

Set in New Orleans, Vanessa MacLellan's Reluctant Hero tells the story of a unique group of people called 'the Seeded.' They are people gifted with extraordinary supernatural abilities. Among them is Nekoka, a highly intelligent, multi-talented, and carefree cat girl. When her friends decide to transform their seeded group into an official, structured heroic team, headstrong Nekoka decides to skip town and head to Portland, Oregon. Aside from being quick-witted, Nekoka is also tech-savvy. She utilizes her tech skills to discover a heinous plan directed at the seeded community. The agenda of the people involved is truly diabolical. But Nekoka is a far cry from being a superhero. Or is she? Will she abscond from the situation while her friends are being kidnapped and tortured? Or will she choose to intervene? With tremendous power comes unspeakable responsibility.

If you love action-packed superhero-styled novels, Reluctant Hero has it all! It packs quite a punch. Vanessa MacLellan incorporates many honorific themes in her book, such as loyalty, bravery, friendship, teamwork, self-discovery, and atonement. I loved getting to know the various characters. It's hard to choose a crowd favorite. What makes them all appealing is their different seeded abilities, nuanced personalities, and endearing traits. Nekoka's character development throughout the storyline is noticeably impressive and engaging. Even though she may not be the traditional, well-groomed superhero archetype that we've grown accustomed to reading about, she has many noteworthy traits. She is protective of the people she truly cares about. In my opinion, that's a positive start. Altogether, the novel's setting, plot, and pacing flow into each other perfectly, making Reluctant Hero the ideal read for sci-fi fans.