Rediscovering Ramona

Fiction - Womens
264 Pages
Reviewed on 09/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Rediscovering Ramona is a work of fiction in women’s fiction, slice-of-life, and interpersonal drama subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Gwen Banta, the story follows novelist Ramona 'Ro' Walters, who lives a serene life in Laurel Canyon until a traumatic dog attack leaves her fearful of venturing outside. Isolated by her fears and the COVID-19 pandemic, Ro observes life from her window, struggling with writer's block and finding solace in her dog and dark humor. When her neighbor Fred disrupts her peace, tensions rise until a mutual tragedy brings them together in an unlikely friendship. As they navigate quarantine and unexpected revelations, Ro learns to embrace life again, leading her on a journey from the Hollywood hills to the kasbah of Marrakesh, where she finds the courage to rediscover herself with the help of an unexpected ally.

Author Gwen Banta has crafted a vivid portrayal of Ro's life in Laurel Canyon that grips you from the first moment and immediately endears such a charming figure to you. When this is coupled with the humorous yet poignant narrative, enjoyable ensemble cast, and utter warmth of the narrative, the result is a truly engaging journey through the complexities of human connection and self-discovery. Ro's struggles with isolation and fear felt authentic, thanks to some detailed speech and thought presentation, and her journey toward rediscovery was both relatable and inspiring. The dynamic between Ro and Fred was one of my favorite elements, offering moments of humor and unexpected camaraderie through some amusing dialogue exchanges and vivid characterization. Banta's storytelling truly shines in navigating themes of friendship, resilience, and the power of embracing life's unexpected twists and turns. Overall, Rediscovering Ramona is a delightful and thought-provoking read that I would certainly recommend to fans of accomplished women’s fiction everywhere.

Manik Chaturmutha

In Rediscovering Ramona by Gwen Banta, readers encounter Ro, a multifaceted character who undergoes a profound journey of personal growth and resilience amidst a backdrop of various challenges and the pursuit of self-discovery. Initially, Ro feels isolated and tries to figure out her relationships with friends like Fred and Curtis. As she navigates hurdles, her bond with Fred strengthens, leading to moments of growth. Through writing and friendships, Ro finds comfort and faces her deepest fears. Her resilience and newfound perspective become increasingly evident, reaching a symbolic climax as she embraces life's uncertainties during her travels to Morocco. Throughout the narrative, readers feel hopeful and excited about the characters' future adventures.

The story unfolds in four distinct parts; each part contributes to the overall progression, providing insight into Ro's emotional landscape, relationships, and inner struggles. Set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the setting adds complexity and urgency to Ro's experiences. The tone is introspective and reflective, guiding readers through her challenges as she embarks on her transformative path. The characters are carefully crafted and integrated into her journey, adding emotional depth and complexity that connect with readers. Themes like self-discovery, resilience, and embracing life's uncertainties are depicted fairly, offering insights into human experiences. The structure and coherence are commendable, and offer readers a clear and engaging overview of Ro's story. The dialogue is authentic, and sometimes depicted humorously, reflecting the complexities of human interaction. The twists are introduced organically, arising from Ro's interactions with other characters or from external events. They serve to challenge her perceptions, forcing her to confront unexpected obstacles and grapple with difficult decisions. Overall, Rediscovering Ramona by Gwen Banta offers readers a compelling glimpse into Ro's world and encourages them to find solace in personal connections, navigate challenges with courage, and embrace the transformative power of new experiences. It is highly recommended and a must-read for contemporary fiction fans.

Frank Mutuma

Rediscovering Ramona by Gwen Banta is set during the COVID lockdown. People are facing many social and economic challenges. Ramona is okay with the lockdowns, viewing them as a necessary price to pay for the fight against the pandemic. Ramona is a writer and lives in Laurel Canyon. The architecture there is such that the houses are very close to each other. This causes problems with Fred, who is her neighbor. Fred is obsessed with cleaning and uses a noisy leaf blower, which irritates Ramona, who loves peace and quiet. How will their relationship evolve after Fred discovers Ramona has a problem with her back and decides to help her? In another twist of events, Ramona meets a nurse who inspires her to change her writing style. Will the new book turn out better?

Rediscovering Ramona by Gwen Banta is wonderfully written with easy-to-understand language that makes it accessible to all readers. I loved the systematic flow of events, which left no room for confusion for the reader. This thought-provoking work also got me thinking about the impact of COVID lockdowns and other issues, such as holistic healing. For instance, Ramona gets better by being treated by Dee when conventional medicine doesn't produce any results. The characters were well-developed and relatable. Gwen also used sarcasm to great effect, like Ramona naming her plants. All the events and places were also vividly described, which helped create a mental picture of what was happening. I am looking forward to reading something else by this author.