Radical Encounter

Fiction - Science Fiction
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Olga Markova for Readers' Favorite

Radical Encounter by William C Kaufmann is a captivating sci-fi mystery starring Madison Ayana, an artist with a colorful past and a reputation in the art world. Since childhood, Madison has experienced visions of the past and the future and heard the Voice compelling her to do its bidding. Madison’s most bizarre drawings, driven by the visions and the Voice, depict a top-secret asteroid known only to a few trusted scientists. This asteroid is an extraterrestrial probe due to land on Earth in five days, and the defense satellites around Earth will be helpless against the probe. Having got hold of Madison’s drawings, the FBI, the Planetary Defense Coordination Office, and the Department of Defense suspect her of espionage. But can Madison save the world?

Radical Encounter by William C Kaufmann is one of the best sci-fi stories I have read. The fast-paced suspenseful plot captivated me from the first page and held me in its grip to the very end when the story culminated in a most fascinating climax. Reading this atmospheric novel, I felt like I was watching a film. I liked how William craftily blended and balanced the plot drive with thoroughly developed characters and events. The author excelled in crafting the psychological portraits of Madison, her friends, and her foes with depth, detail, and skill I have rarely come across in sci-fi novels. But most of all, I liked the story’s thought-provoking climax that revolves around the unity of the universe. I highly recommend this brilliant novel to sci-fi, supernatural, reincarnation, adventure, and mystery fans.