Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes Ice Cream Adventure

The Adventures of Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes

Children - Picture Book
30 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2023
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Author Biography

Heather Marie is an award-winning children’s book author. She started a children’s picture book series “The Adventures of Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes” based off of her two French bulldog puppies Pickle Juice & Patty Cakes. She wrote this series to teach kids to always be kind, to never give up and to accept differences in others. She currently has two published books in the series, “Pickle Juice & Patty Cakes Ice Cream Adventure” and “Pickle Juice & Patty Cakes Space Adventure”. Heather loves being out in the community with her side kick Patty Cakes making appearances at local schools for author visits, bookstores, RAM, donating books to local and overseas charities and being at several events both in town and out of town almost every weekend. She loves being able to provide interactive story times throughout the community with different sensory and arts and craft activities that go along with her books to keep the kids engaged and help increase sensory and literacy development as well as reading comprehension. Her mission is to provide a memorable experience for kids while teaching kids the importance of being kind and accepting differences in others. Heather and Patty Cakes are available for author visits in and out of state. You can contact Heather through her website or by email, picklejuiceadpattycakes@gmail.com

    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Louise Hill for Readers' Favorite

Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes Ice Cream Adventure (The Adventures of Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes) by Heather Marie is an adorable picture book for young children. Sisters Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes head out on an adventure to find some yummy ice cream. Along the way, they are faced with several obstacles that test their sisterhood. From dodging cats to avoiding falling into holes in the ground, will the sisters be able to finally enjoy their long-awaited ice cream? Find out in this fun book.

Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes Ice Cream Adventure was a pleasure to read. From the moment I began reading, I knew I was going to enjoy the storyline, because who doesn't like books about cute doggies? The author has chosen to tell Pickle Juice and Patty Cakes's story through the use of rhyme, which works perfectly throughout. If the storyline isn't enough to draw you in, the professional and colorful illustrations by the talented Hanif Roihan certainly will. Heather Marie has also chosen to add an educational aspect to her book, teaching children the important lessons of being kind, generous, and never giving up on your dreams. I'm sure there are many more to pick up on throughout the book, but I'll not spoil this for young readers. So if you are looking for your child's next bedtime story, then look no further; this incredible book will entertain any youngster's mind. Keep up the great work, Heather. I hope to read more from you soon.