Out of the Silence

Fiction - Thriller - Legal
250 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ibrahim Aslan for Readers' Favorite

In Out of the Silence by Marie Theodore, readers are introduced to the ever-resilient Alexa Montgomery. Alexa is an attractive, intelligent, confident, and sassy prosecutor with a serious axe to grind. Fifteen years ago, Casimir Johnson escaped prosecution for brutally abusing his wife, Carmella. Casimir thinks he is unstoppable and untouchable. Unfortunately for him, he met his match in Alexa. In the present, Casimir is accused of sexually assaulting and battering Maria Gonzalez, a young Colombian-born woman. Maria and her brother, Tony, are willing to testify against Casimir. Surprisingly, the District Attorney gave the case to a corrupt prosecutor, Jacob O’Brien. Alexa is not about to throw in the towel just yet. If she has to get O’Brien benched so she can do her job, she will. However, O’Brien is familiar with the criminal underworld—and Casimir still thinks he is Mr. Untouchable. Discover how Alexa confronts these two formidable men.

Out of the Silence is a drama-packed legal thriller that will shock you. The plot is intriguing, and the ending is well-written. This story is told through multiple points of view and carefully pivots back and forth between past and present events. You will get the opportunity to slowly absorb the thrilling facts through the various lenses of its characters—this will help you experience this riveting case in a multifaceted way. You will fall in love with a tenacious prosecutor, Alexa, and root for her as she relentlessly navigates her way through the legal system to guarantee that justice finally gets served. Marie Theodore is a gifted writer who knows how to captivate her audience. The scenes, dialogues, and suspenseful drama are enough to make this novel a stellar and spellbinding read. Out of the Silence is a highly recommended must-read for fans of legal thrillers. It will completely satisfy your expectations.