No Way Out of This

Loving a Partner with Alzheimer's

Non-Fiction - Memoir
302 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

No Way Out Of This: Loving A Partner With Alzheimer’s is a memoir by Sue Fagalde Lick. Sue was supposed to be singing in Salt Lake City. Instead, unforeseen events set her on a path to Fred. Her parents knew that Sue and Fred would be married and she would be taken care of. From California to Oregon, Sue and Fred made their way through a wonderful marriage. As the years wore on, Fred showed all the signs of Alzheimer’s. In the beginning, Sue did everything she could to take care of him at home, making sacrifices that made working and caring for her husband possible. As his mental state regressed and physical problems arose, Sue was forced to make decisions for Fred that would help him even though the choices broke her heart.

No Way Out Of This is a heart-warming yet heart-wrenching story about the journey through life that ends with the complications of Alzheimer’s. I thoroughly enjoyed the personal stories that showed how close Sue and Fred were and the way they interacted with friends and family. I found the painful stories of Fred’s progression through the disease heartbreaking, especially when he apologized for things that happened while he was in pain. Sue’s strength in the face of such a devastating disease is nothing short of inspiring. I recommend No Way Out Of This to anyone who faces Alzheimer’s. I believe this story would be beneficial to those who want to know more about how living with someone who has this disease can affect daily living.