No Plans to Fall

Romance - Contemporary
310 Pages
Reviewed on 06/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

No Plans to Fall by Kiri Patterson is just a wonderfully sweet, small-town romance, with a serious undertone about self-worth and what is important in life. Marissa was tormented by her past and her future. She had never really forgiven herself for surviving the car crash that had killed her parents when she was only fifteen. Taken in by her Nan, and working for the only law firm in town, she has had to adjust to the life of a small town where everyone knows her business and, worse, wants to be in it. She is determined she will not fall for another man after her high-school sweetheart ditched her and is filled with doubts about her worth. Her plan is to one day go to London and fulfill her and her parents’ dream of visiting the city where they spent their honeymoon. When her two best friends convince her to go to the Fall Festival in a neighboring town, little does she realize she will end up in a corn maze with blind date Scott whom she won in a fair-ground competition. Scott is a lawyer and has his future meticulously planned. He wants to be a high-flying corporate lawyer for one of the biggest law firms in town and get the prestige, wealth, and recognition he feels has passed him by. Romance has no place in either of these two people’s plans but fate may yet intervene and change all that.

No Plans to Fall is a fun, sweet, romantic romp and yet it does have a serious side that will get readers thinking. Author Kiri Patterson has cleverly combined a simple, conversational style with some major character aspects that need addressing if either party to this potential romance is going to achieve any happiness. The story is developed from both Marissa's and Scott’s perspectives, with each succeeding chapter alternating between the characters' points of view. This gives a much broader scope as we can see and feel the innermost thoughts and feelings of both protagonists even if they are sometimes blindly obtuse to each other’s feelings. I enjoyed this aspect because when either Marissa or Scott did something or said something that changed the relationship, my immediate response was to wonder how the other partner reacted and what they would do about it. I loved that both characters had such deep-seated insecurities about themselves and that they came from very different environments. A good romance has always been one of my secret reading vices and what I loved about this story is that it is a wonderful romance but also has a thought-provoking subtext. This makes it stand out in the genre. I was pleased to read that a sequel is a real possibility and I want to read more about these lovely characters. I highly recommend this read.

Nino Lobiladze

Marissa's best friends, Faith and Rose, challenge her to go on a blind date with the handsome Scott. While Marissa has reasons to refrain from dating, a worthy cause and a chance of winning sugar cookies make her agree. And it's just one date, or so she thinks. But fate has different plans for these two. Scott helps his father run a law firm in the small town of Hillsdale, where Marissa is an office manager. Both feel a mutual attraction, but Marissa refuses to plan anything in her life, while Scott can't imagine his days without proper planning. Marissa dreams of leaving Hillsdale and finally visiting London. Scott hopes for a brighter future in a successful law firm. He needs to persuade the owner of a local B&B to sell her business. Marissa plays a crucial role in this plan, but is risking her trust worth it? No Plans to Fall by Kiri Patterson will appeal to romance, drama, and chick-lit fans.

Kiri Patterson's No Plans to Fall is a beautiful tale of love, commitment, and making the right choices. The novel is character-driven and very compelling. Marissa is vulnerable and strong at the same time. She knows how to stand her ground if challenged, but she hides deep scars, both physical and psychological. The narrative explores the important yet difficult topic of infertility and how it affects our lives and relationships with significant others, friends, or neighbors. Marissa is funny, kind, and admirable. I like the development of Scott's character. He dreams big and works hard, but there is a fine line between his good intentions and vanity. Scott faces a serious ethical conflict, and we root for his better side to prevail. Patterson narrates this fast-paced, engaging story from two different perspectives. The story is humorous and thought-provoking with an unexpected twist. I highly recommend this delightful romance!

Keith Mbuya

Bored with the monotony of the slow life of her small town of Hillsdale, which revolves around caring for her octogenarian grandmother and work, Marissa takes her two friends on a girls’ night out. But somehow, her friends find a way to fix her up with a blind date. Since her last break-up, Marissa had completely avoided the dating scene. She rejects her hot date Scott, a lawyer from Cliffton, and even unintentionally causes an accident that nearly kills him at a pumpkin chucking zone. The silver lining in all this for Marissa is that she might never see Scott again. Or so she thinks. The next time Marissa sees Scott, which is on the first day of the next week, he is introduced as her new boss. Coincidentally, Scott’s father had merged his law firm with the firm Marissa works at as an office assistant in Hillsdale. As Marissa helps a struggling Scott blend into Hillsdale, she realizes she is losing her battle of resolve and can’t stick to her rules anymore. Is she falling in love? Find out in Kiri Patterson’s No Plans to Fall.

You won’t be able to take your eyes off this page-turner. With an intriguing plot, Patterson features an exciting and dynamic cast. The subtle tone of the storyline along with the jaw-dropping plot twists had me riveted. The colorful evocative depictions breathed life into the scenes, plunging me into a world of love, secrets, small-town gossip, and so much more. Patterson has a knack for making the scenes tremendously dramatic. The reading experience felt like I was watching a Hollywood contemporary romance movie. Patterson’s down-to-earth depictions of the cast’s emotions and the juxtaposing of their traits allowed me to connect with them. Scott might be experienced in the law business, but perhaps not enough for one sitting at the heart of Hillsdale. Kiri Patterson’s No Plans to Fall is a must-read for romantic sizzle and comedy aficionados.