Nelson’s London Holiday

Children - Educational
56 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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Author Biography

Born a Showmen’s Daughter I am the Travelling Author.

Claire Carey grew up on a fairground where she enjoyed a sense of freedom and learned that togetherness and hard work creates a bond that pulls everyone together. She wouldn't change anything about her childhood, but her advice to her younger self would be to not worry about the discrimination that can sometimes go hand in hand with growing up on the fairground with the difficulties of not staying in a place for more than a few weeks at a time and having limited schooling. These experiences make you stronger.


    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Nelson's London Holiday is a children's picture book by Claire Carey. After attending a music festival accompanied by his parents and friend Simon, Nelson can't wait to revisit it next year. However, to do so, he will need money to buy the festival tickets. Nelson soon learns from his grandfather that saving money means saving energy. To save energy, Nelson starts working on a plan that includes using recycle bins, stopping food waste, cutting down on electricity and water usage, buying his own drinks container, and more. When he visits his grandparents' home for a sleepover, Nelson is delighted to learn that his grandparents will take him and his cousin Devina on a tour of England's capital city, London. What lessons will Nelson learn from this trip?

Follow the adventures of a young boy as he learns the importance of conserving energy with Nelson's London Holiday. Claire Carey has written a wholesome adventure story that will educate children about the basics of energy consumption and conservation while encouraging a proactive and green approach to living. You couldn't ask for a more likable child than Nelson for a protagonist. He listens to the advice of his elders and works toward his goal with an unwavering determination and will that are admirable to all. I loved his adventures in London and the guest appearance of Queen Elizabeth I in his dream. India Danter's vibrant illustrations flawlessly capture the light-hearted tone of Carey's narrative and enhance the reading experience. Young readers will have a blast with this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you should too!

Jane Peters

I've been given the a copy of the script for this book. And what an excellent price writing .
This book should be in all schools. Adults can also learn from this delightful little story.