Narco Knights

A Black Lion Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/24/2022
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Author Biography

Jake Varanger has been a teacher, an account executive, a prospector, a dog whisperer, and a backpacker. His travels and life experiences have helped shape his writing, and an insatiable appetite for knowledge continues to inspire future novels. When not writing, he loves to enjoy the great outdoors, reading, traveling, and learning.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennie More for Readers' Favorite

Narco Knights by Jake Varanger is about a secret underground agency, Black Lion, that tackles drug trafficking in the U.S. The U.S. government developed the agency and invited some of their most dangerous physically and tactically skilled agents, including former Navy Seals and other agents worldwide. After a successful bout of drug busts, one of Black Lion's teams mistakenly busted a Russian mob based on their poor intel. Black Lion kills multiple Russian gang members so the Russians gather their troops to retaliate. Unbeknownst to them at first, they will be going up against one of the most elite units in the U.S. government. Limbs and blood splatter as the ruthless Russian mob and Black Lion collide, resulting in an overnight war zone.

Narco Knights by Jake Varanger is a brilliant, action-packed, gripping story that leaves you in suspense. I loved reading this book because Varanger managed to develop a fast-paced and exciting plot while balancing it with compelling and engaging characters. What especially stood out for me was that there were multiple characters in the plot, and they were all well-developed and relevant to the size of the role each played in the story. The story demands your attention and includes an unexpected plot twist at the end. There is a little something for every reader’s taste here. Whether they’re looking for horror, adventure, suspense, comedy, or romance, Narco Knights ticks every box for the contemporary reader, being both gruesome and brilliant.