Milspouse Matters

Sharing Strength Through Our Stories

Non-Fiction - Memoir
257 Pages
Reviewed on 03/03/2024
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Author Biography

Jen McDonald, an award-winning author with two published books, has enjoyed an extensive writing career, including features in anthologies and international publications like Chicken Soup for the Soul,, Stars & Stripes, Redbook, Military Spouse Magazine, and Good Housekeeping. Beyond writing, she hosted the Milspouse Matters podcast for over five years, drawing from her three decades of military life experience to provide empathy and support to fellow spouses. A mother of four, Jen and her Air Force veteran husband have lived and traveled across the globe from Europe to the Pacific. They’re now settled happily in Texas, relishing their roles as devoted grandparents. Join her as she ventures into fiction writing, marking a thrilling new chapter in her journey!

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Milspouse Matters: Sharing Strength Through Our Stories is a work of non-fiction in the memoir, military life, and inspirational writing subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Jen McDonald, this inspiring work offers an empowering exploration of military spouse life, highlighting the resilience and dedication of these often overlooked individuals. Through beautifully crafted narratives, McDonald illuminates the challenges and triumphs faced by military spouses, providing readers with a profound insight into a life marked by constant change and sacrifice. With heartfelt stories and poignant reflections, this book celebrates the strength and fortitude of military spouses, offering a beacon of hope and understanding for those navigating similar paths.

Author Jen McDonald has crafted a unique work where heartfelt storytelling and genuine empathy shine through on every page, offering readers a poignant glimpse into the unique challenges faced by these unsung heroes. McDonald's ability to weave together personal anecdotes, historical perspectives, and contemporary insights creates a rich tapestry of experiences that resonates deeply with readers, and I felt that the book had a natural flow and a great organization to slowly develop an overall tapestry of support and strength. As I delved into the many interesting narratives shared in this book, I was struck by the unwavering strength and determination of military spouses across generations. I thought that McDonald did a great job of showcasing historical changes, attitude shifts, and how world events affect the role of a spouse. Overall, Milspouse Matters is a highly recommended read and a deeply moving and insightful experience that provided me with a newfound appreciation for the sacrifices and resilience of military spouses.