Lynne & Hope

Young Adult - Mystery
292 Pages
Reviewed on 04/10/2018
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Author Biography

Joey Paul is an indie author, exploring the young adult crime genre. She has released eleven books in total so far, with the twelfth and thirteenth due out in 2018. Her current works include the "Dying Thoughts" series, which is eight books. She usually writes crime and mystery fiction, with a paranormal twist, but she has been known to dabble in contemporary romance and general fiction. She is writing her twenty-first and twenty-second books at the moment, having recently finished her last two.

Joey is disabled and a recent graduate from The Open University with a BA (Hons) in Health & Social Care. When not reading medical textbooks, she enjoys reading crime novels, medical dramas and young adult novels. When she's out and about, she likes looking for Tupperware in the woods with GPS satellites, otherwise known as geocaching. And when she's not doing THAT, she's sleeping! She's 36 and has been writing since she was retired from her job on medical grounds at the age of 19. She plans to write for as long as she has ideas or until someone tells her to stop!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

Lynne & Hope by Joey Paul is a gorgeous story that explores family relationships, family drama, and how tragedy can affect the health of a family. We are introduced to two sisters, Lynne and Hope. Lynne and her younger sister have lived peacefully until the day that Hope had an auto accident in which she became paralyzed in the lower part of her body and the driver lost his life. This happened on Lynne’s fifteenth birthday and, since then, Hope has remained the primary focus of the family, with Lynne slowly receding into the darkness, emotionally detached and bitter. She blames Hope for the family not paying her any attention. But then, Lynne runs into trouble that could land her in prison while at work. Now she needs the support of her sister, Hope, to get away. Will Hope take this chance to exact revenge or can she find a place in her heart for a sister who lives as if she never existed?

There are many reasons to give this book a 5-star rating. Yes, it’s a success on multiple levels. First, the story is beautifully told in the first person narrative — which carries a strong literary effect — and the style allows readers to see events from the perspective of the characters, with the narrative alternating between Lynne and Hope. The writing is simple, but it is filled with insightful passages and emotionally-driven moments that allow readers to understand the depth of the conflict. The realism that is injected into the story comes out clearly and readers can feel the jealousies and the struggle for attention that many teenagers experience in families. The story is well-plotted and written in a way that pulls the reader in and keeps them engaged as they long to find out what could happen in the relationship between the two sisters. Lynne & Hope is a deeply moving and satisfying read and Joey Paul has the gift for both plot and character.