Luck The Good Four-Letter Word

Non-Fiction - Memoir
438 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2024
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Author Biography

From being a disobedient teenager and an initial failure in college, to his journey through being a salesclerk, public accounting, law school, government, business, and investment banking, to his unexpected long career as a casino industry CEO and owner, Jerry Turk has had a varied life and career, although some might call it checkered. With hard work and a good deal of luck, Jerry turned life's unpredictability into a winning hand. He learned enough about success, failure, business, leadership, community and the mysterious world of casinos to write a book; so that's exactly what he did. Jerry doesn't consider himself an author - just an average guy who wanted to tell his story so that others might gain some insight from his life of ups and downs. Jerry is an "old fashioned deal guy," being involved in a wide variety of complex deals. His excellent understanding of how to get deals done, is a common thread throughout his autobiography. Jerry believes that everyone who takes a chance in their life, whether in business or otherwise, is gambling in one form or another. He has learned better than most, how to stack the odds in his favor during these gambles. You can bet on that.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is a work of non-fiction in the autobiographical, memoir, and slice-of-life subgenres. The work is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Jerome H. Turk, this candid and humorous memoir chronicles the life and leadership lessons of a former gaming industry CEO. From childhood and college struggles to navigating various career paths, Turk shares insights gleaned from his journey through public accounting, government, business, and investment banking, ultimately finding unexpected success in the casino industry.

Author Jerome H. Turk takes readers on a rollercoaster journey through his colorful life and career with a confident and entertaining narrative style that offers an insightful and entertaining read. His candid reflections and humorous anecdotes offer valuable lessons in leadership, resilience, and the unpredictable nature of success, and I was impressed by his warm delivery and conversational style of writing. Turk's storytelling prowess is evident in every description and turn of events, and the well-chosen story moments of his life kept me engaged from beginning to end. He navigates through challenges and triumphs with wit and wisdom but always keeps the style relaxed, as though you’re hearing these stories firsthand from a wise friend. From his humble beginnings to his rise in the gaming industry, Turk's memoir is a tribute to the power of perseverance and seizing opportunities. Overall, Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is an inspiring book that resonates with readers of all backgrounds, offering valuable life lessons and a glimpse into the dynamic world of casinos. I would not hesitate to recommend it to fans of honest and intriguing memoirs everywhere.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is an inspiring memoir by Jerome H. Turk; a journey through the author's life and experiences in various industries. A perfect blend of humor and reflection on life and leadership, Turk's story begins with his childhood in Queens and continues with university, his first jobs, a career in accounting and investment banking, and his move into the gaming industry. The author provides a glimpse of his experiences and challenges in navigating life, particularly in the complex world of the casino business. Turk shares personal details about his Jewish heritage, family, friendships, being a father and husband, and his life principles. He emphasizes the importance of justice, giving back to the community, and philanthropy. The memoir is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the transformative power of embracing life's twists and turns.

Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is a captivating life story that offers a delightful combination of entertainment and wisdom. The author's storytelling prowess and ability to engage the audience are evident from the first chapter. Readers interested in the history of casinos and resorts in Nevada will be fascinated by the rich historical background and intriguing stories surrounding the development of the gambling industry in the state. Pictures add a visual element that enhances the reading experience, transporting readers to the various moments mentioned. One of the highlights is the jokes about things that were not yet invented during the author's time. Many readers will be inspired by Jerome H. Turk's journey and will be motivated to be innovative, work hard, and value others. Overall, this is a tale of growth, learning, and embracing both the highs and lows of life's unpredictability. It is an inspiring read that demonstrates how one can overcome obstacles and thrive in the face of adversity.

Doreen Chombu

Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is a humorous memoir by Jerome H. Turk that chronicles his life and shares profound lessons. Jerry, later known as Jerome, grew up in a Jewish community in Queens, New York, and never imagined the great success and many adventures that awaited him. From childhood misadventures to his time in a fraternity at Cincinnati University, he became an influential businessman and philanthropist, experiencing both regret and good fortune throughout his journey. His strong foundation in accounting and law provided him with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complex regulatory environment of the growing casino industry, enabling him to make informed decisions and effectively manage the financial and legal aspects of his career. In his memoir, Jerome talks about the many deals he has done, working in the footwear, banking, and gaming industries, owning boats, family life, his Jewish heritage, and many more aspects of life.

Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is one of the best memoirs I've read because it is fun, easy to read, and surprises the reader. Jerome H. Turk's ability to infuse deep lessons within light-hearted jokes and conversational narration makes his work impactful, allowing readers to connect with his life-changing messages on a personal level. By acknowledging his faults and missteps, he not only shows humility but also demonstrates resilience and a strong drive for self-improvement. The non-linear approach taken by the author adds an element of intrigue and anticipation. Glimpses into future events create a sense of mystery that keeps the reader engaged and eager to discover how everything will unfold. This technique allows for more dynamic storytelling and keeps the reader invested in the narrative. The pictures provide readers with a visual representation of his experiences, enhancing their understanding, sparking curiosity, and bringing the story to life. Overall, I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to anyone who loves inspiring memoirs with a touch of humor.

Grant Leishman

Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is an autobiography by Jerome H. Turk, a businessman/entrepreneur whose career has led him in several different directions before ultimately ending up as a major part of the casino industry in the U.S. The author takes the reader through the various iterations of his family and business life, with subtle humor and generous self-deprecation. From his days as a disobedient and troubled teen, through his failures at college, the author imparts his disappointments (principally in himself) as well as his successes and joys, especially his marriage to Carole and his subsequent family. After applying himself diligently, he then embarked on a career that would take him from public accounting to local government oversight with the City of New York, through to investment banking, his own tax advisory business, and then finally into the heady world of Las Vegas and casino ownership, development, and management. Never losing sight of the ability to laugh at himself, this humble man, with a dominating personality, would make a big impact in whatever sphere of life, be it business or community, that he chose to pursue.

Luck: The Good Four-Letter Word is an immensely enjoyable read, mainly because of the author’s unassuming and simple style. Jerome H. Turk’s mission in this autobiography was not to impress the reader with his brilliance and financial success, both evident in his eighty years of existence. Rather, I felt he just wanted to chronicle his life and perhaps show us that because he wasn’t anything special, anyone who sets out to achieve success can do so if they put their total commitment behind it. I appreciated that despite his slow start to success, with his failures at school and college, he did not allow himself to be defined by that. He was determined to succeed because of his early failures. His business style and personality may not be the answer for everyone but he was shrewd enough to understand himself very well and make the most of the attributes he possessed. I couldn’t help but notice the wistfulness in his writing when he recalled the “missed opportunities” with his family because of his business commitments. However, I also noted he would often make an extra effort to ensure that his three children and his wife got his wholehearted attention when he was able to do so. This is an ordinary man who has had extraordinary business success and many of his strategies and advice will be useful to new young entrepreneurs. For these reasons, I highly recommend this read.