Low Men

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
433 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Low Men is a gripping crime thriller by Gransom Hayes. When the lead programmer of a VR company dies under mysterious circumstances in Orange County, Detective Mark Slade and his team are assigned to the case. The evidence points toward the killer being a local creature of legend. Haunted by his past and his secrets, Mark's life slowly threatens to spiral out of control after he runs into an old flame with a dark past of her own. Helen, a victim of human trafficking, pulls Mark into a world of organized crime, seduction, and deceit. As the count of murder victims piles up, Mark struggles to navigate the case between his loyalty to Helen and the law. Meanwhile, he gets a chance to rescue someone he thought was lost forever. Will Mark be able to protect himself and his loved ones?

Borrowing elements from a fascinating combination of genres - crime drama, murder mystery, and neo-noir - Gransom Hayes delivers a riveting thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last. Something about the dark and gritty tone of the narrative reminded me of HBO's hit TV show True Detective (Season 1). Low Men is filled to the brim with suspense, mystery, romance, and intrigue. Hayes moves the plot deliberately, leaving room for the multi-layered characters to show depth and connect with the reader. The author does this by giving interesting backstories to the main characters that reveal all layers of their personalities and their motives. Mark Slade is a complex man with somewhat grey morals, and it makes him a very compelling character to follow. The ending felt fitting. In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and highly recommend it.