Love Connects Us All

Children - Christian
32 Pages
Reviewed on 06/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Antoinette Wessels for Readers' Favorite

Love Connects Us All by Michelle Medlock Adams is a beautifully written and illustrated Christian children’s book that teaches young readers about different types of families. Even though everyone’s family looks different, God loves them all the same because love connects us all. This children’s book looks at different family dynamics, from families unrelated by blood to families whose one parent works far away. At the end of the book, the author brings to the attention of young readers that no matter what their family looks like, they are connected through love for each other and the love of God. This is an excellent way to show families who have adopted children that even though they are not connected by blood, they are connected by so much more.

Love Connects Us All is a feast for the eyes, ears, and heart. The illustrations by Sandra Eide are done with a soft undertone and excellently enhance the theme of love. Written in rhyme and with short, easy-to-understand sentences, this children’s book can easily be read by children who are just starting to read. Christian families with different dynamics should get this book for their youngsters. It teaches an important lesson delightfully. The cover charmingly illustrates how love connects us all with a heart-shaped kite, artistically linking the book's theme. It was a delight to read this book and I believe that the point Michelle Medlock Adams wanted to make was done excellently.