Lethal Melodies

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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Author Biography

Abdulilah Hamadi is a compelling voice in contemporary mystery fiction, celebrated for his unique ability to weave intricate narratives that merge the enigmatic elements of science, technology, and history. With a keen observational eye, Hamadi draws rich inspiration from the people and environments around him, infusing his stories with authentic detail and vivid settings. He has authored three gripping mystery novels: "Not for You to Know," which was honored with an IPPY Award, "The Holy Truth," and his latest work, "The Lethal Melodies."

Hamadi’s storytelling is marked by a deep understanding of the human psyche, complemented by a subtle sense of humor that breathes life into his characters, making them memorable and relatable. His books often challenge the reader's perceptions, leading them through twists and revelations that question conventional truths. A graduate of literature with a passion for both the past and the future, Hamadi continues to establish his distinct niche, combining historical depth with cutting-edge scientific concepts in ways that captivate his audience. Whether through the shadowed alleys of ancient cities or the sleek corridors of modern science labs, his novels offer a journey into the unknown, where the only certainty is the thrill of the mystery itself.

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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Lethal Melodies is a work of fiction in the intrigue, mystery, and magical realism genres. Penned by author Abdulilah Hamadi, the audiobook version is narrated by Claire Glover. This engaging read takes listeners on a journey through the mysterious and boundary-blurring world of David Lipton, a renowned author whose life becomes entangled with haunting melodies and enigmatic occurrences. From the streets of Seville to the corridors beneath the Swedish Parliament, David embarks on a quest to discover the fate of his father and decipher the deadly melodies haunting the world. Alongside intriguing characters like Maria, Balbino, and Agneta Snostorm, David navigates a complex blend of mysteries, delving into the interplay of light and darkness, good and evil. As he unravels the secrets that bind us all, David confronts the delicate balance between truth and deception, ultimately seeking to reshape human history itself through the power of connection and the pursuit of truth.

Author Abdulilah Hamadi has crafted a work that shines in its intricate storytelling and the emotive way that it draws you into the mystery at the core of the plot. The blend of historical elements, supernatural occurrences, and philosophical themes created a gripping narrative that merges at just the right moments to form interesting new bonds and keep you guessing. I found myself drawn into David's quest for truth, feeling a profound connection to his journey as he grappled with the complexities of human existence. This was hugely emphasized by the detailed speech, thought, and action, showing us everything we needed to know without ever over-telling the story.

In its audiobook presentation, Claire Glover's compelling narration brought the world of David Lipton to life in vivid detail, immersing me in a rich tapestry of mystery, intrigue, and emotion with nuanced vocalization and a great sense of character. The editing was clean and the pacing was superb throughout. Overall, I would certainly recommend Lethal Melodies for readers seeking a very immersive listening experience to keep them spellbound from start to finish.

Jennie More

Lethal Melodies by Abdulilah Hamadi is a crime novel about a series of deaths in Spain’s music scene, where attendees bleed from their ears, and musicians mysteriously disappear or bleed to death from their eyes. These unexplainable deaths and the disappearance of his father caught the attention of crime author David Lipton. While also gathering information for his next novel, David finds himself at the center of an elaborate and intricate plan that involves the murders of countless innocent victims and some talented artists. With a sturdy and meticulous team, David uncovers hidden secrets about his father, George Lipton, and his connection to the string of catastrophes. Lipton's unadventurous and safe day job turns dangerous and life-threatening, but he could be the only one willing to take the reins and save the day.

Lethal Melodies by Abdulilah Hamadi is an entertaining, unique, and fascinating story. Hamadi developed a compelling plot with a focus on mysterious music-related deaths. There could be many explanations for the baffling deaths of concert attendees, which intrigued me to continue reading as I produced possible reasons of my own. There are impressive characters in this book. I enjoyed watching these once strangers develop close friendships. The expansive vocabulary perfectly suits the sophisticated storyline and characters. I enjoyed the complexity of the plot. There were many different people and parts connected in some way, influencing crimes and catastrophes that made news headlines. Lethal Melodies is undoubtedly a one-of-a-kind novel with a poetic tone to it. It will delight anyone who enjoys music and loves the written word.

The audiobook narrated by Claire Glover is beautifully composed, adding a variety of sounds to complement the story as it unfolds. The ambiance comes to life for readers through sound effects, from airplanes taking off to the music playing in coffee shops or footsteps as people enter and leave a scene. Glover’s voice and expressions enhance the intriguing plot, dialogue, and poetic writing. Glover is an eloquent narrator who perfectly relays the characters' emotions in every moment, whether joyous or troubled. Glover paid meticulous attention to detail in the narration to ensure full enjoyment by listeners.

Olga Markova

Lethal Melodies by Abdulilah Hamadi is a unique blend of crime fiction, paranormal mystery, sci-fi, political thriller, and romance. The story transports us to Spain, where we meet David Lipton, a New York Times bestselling and award-winning mystery author. Exploring Andalusia’s spiritual heritage, David meets Maria Ferrera, a flamenco aficionado, and Balbino Balbaw, a musician. Suddenly, David’s father, Professor George Lipton, vanishes in Florida. Maria and Balbino join David in his search for his father. The clues they unravel lead them to Stockholm. Meanwhile, mysterious deaths and disappearances of musicians and spectators plague famous musical concert venues worldwide. In Spain, Detective Diego Santana, assisted by Isabel Hernandez, is investigating these occurrences. Diego’s and Isabel’s paths cross with David’s and his friends. But will they unravel these mysteries?

Abdulilah Hamadi’s Lethal Melodies enchanted me from the first episode and held me in its grip until the end. The enigmatic twists of a suspenseful, action-driven plot left me with no dull moments. The romantic and humorous aspects enhanced my listening experience and offered respite from the tension of David’s perilous quest. Hamadi’s rich vocabulary and unique writing style ignited my imagination. I also enjoyed the thought-provoking aspect, with its focus on the standoff between good and evil, the convergence of business and politics, and the threats posed by new technologies. But what made this mystery stand out for me was the unique fusion of music, mathematics, and religion. All in all, this mystery is one of the best I have read recently.

The audiobook's quality deserves special praise. Claire Glover, a talented South African actress who narrated this audiobook, has many film credits and a voice-acting portfolio of more than 70 audiobooks on Audible. Claire did a brilliant job of bringing this captivating story to life, giving each character a distinct voice and accent, and steering them through the events with a wide range of emotions. I was amazed at Claire's ability to voice a variety of international accents, both male and female. Claire’s perfect voice acting, coupled with flawless audio production, made listening feel like I was watching a film. I highly recommend this riveting mystery to paranormal, sci-fi, political thriller, and crime fiction fans.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

In Abdulilah Hamadi's Lethal Melodies, David Lipton, a best-selling author, is entranced with Flamenco dancing and his new friend, Maria, who shares her knowledge of the highly expressive Spanish dance with him, when his father disappears. George Lipton is a notable intellect who is fascinated by music. Balbino, an artist who watched his friend vanish during a performance, joins David and Maria as they search for David's father and uncover a mystery. Around the world, people are attending live performances as if under the power of a drug. Some of them die, and many think it is because of the music. David, Maria, and Balbino must decipher the notes David's father made in his musical studies to unearth the answers. When they discover entries on the "Golden Ratio" and "Music of the Spheres," the trio realizes the mystery is much deeper than they realized.

Abdulilah Hamadi's deeply descriptive work features music as part of a universal code. The rich lines resonate with readers as they follow the suspenseful puzzle and guess the cause of the afflictions. Mapping a language is a beautiful concept, and Hamadi leads readers through a maze of discoveries, each more interesting than the last. The author narrates the adventure with David, his tenacious friend, Maria, and Balbino, an amusing character everyone will love. A romance forms between David and Maria as they uncover a sinister, profound plot and learn about an individual known only as His Highness. The author weaves the story and characters' discoveries together brilliantly, proving readers should hang onto every word. Readers who enjoy cryptic enigmas and vivid descriptions will be drawn to Lethal Melodies.

Performer Claire Glover's voice is like a song that guides you through the story and lulls you into the mystery. The book comes to life through her vocal talents as the music plays, doorbells ring, and doors open, making readers feel as though they're hearing each scene unfold as it happens. Glover's accents are well placed and a slight difference in her inflection signals different characters. The audio is clear, and the music is wound into the story, placing the reader in the action as if they are hearing the same music as the characters. The narrator leads listeners into the potential for a sequel after the end credits.

Shawna L. Thompson

Lethal Melodies by Abdulilah Hamadi is a powerful portrayal of flamenco music. The storyline follows Professor David Lipton, a writer, concerned about the sudden disappearance of his father and reports of individuals experiencing severe medical symptoms such as bleeding from their ears and eyes and even death when exposed to flamenco music. David joins forces with Maria and Balbino, a detective, to investigate this strange phenomenon and uncover a new nexus. As David delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers several cryptic clues, including a resonator shaped like an Italian pyramid that may provide information regarding the whereabouts of his missing father. The resonator vibrates when flamenco music is played, further adding to the enigma. David discovers an old saying, "He who dies lives, and He who lives dies," and travels to Stockholm, where he finds a statue and a man called Foxman.

Abdulilah Hamadi's audiobook Lethal Melodies is a beautiful piece of literature, dedicated to flamenco music. His writing resonates with flamenco experts and aficionados, and those seeking knowledge as he narrates how melodies shape the human soul. The music added during the story enhances the listening experience and draws readers into the enigma of the plot. The final chapter has music and an ending that will have readers embracing life. This intriguing tale spans generations and is primarily set in Seville, Spain. The characters of David, Maria, and Balbino are intense and passionate, providing readers with an urge to follow them every step of the way.

The audiobook is narrated by Claire Glover, who does an incredible job of bringing passion and drama into the story. Her voice is soothing and easy to listen to, making it an enjoyable audio experience for all listeners.