Journey to the Dark Galaxy

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
521 Pages
Reviewed on 12/11/2023
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Author Biography

Hannah D. State is an award-winning Canadian author. She has a passion for young adult science fiction and fantasy stories. She enjoys writing about strong-willed characters who don't fit the norm and who overcome great obstacles with perseverance, self-discovery, and help from others. Sometimes Hannah can't keep up with her characters' ideas and plans, so she takes breaks, drinks coffee, and goes on nature walks to calm her mind and really listen. Journey to the Dark Galaxy is her second novel.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Journey to the Dark Galaxy is a work of fiction in the science fiction, adventure, and interpersonal drama genres, and is the second novel in The Dark Galaxy Series. It is intended for young adult readers and contains some mild scenes of sci-fi violence and serious themes. Penned by author Hannah D. State, this riveting sequel to Journey to the Hopewell Star continues the adventures of Sam Sanderson, a twelve-year-old with a knack for stumbling into extraordinary circumstances. Now facing an interplanetary ultimatum, Sam is drafted into the Great Alliance for Interplanetary Affairs, setting the stage for a harrowing journey into the unknown. Sam's journey to the Dark Galaxy is fraught with danger, secrets, and unexpected twists. The narrative explores complex themes such as power, responsibility, and the consequences of one's actions. As Sam navigates a maze of lies and dark secrets, the tension rises, and the stakes become higher.

Author Hannah D. State has crafted a superb novel that’s a really immersive experience with a deft combination of intriguing mystery, vividly described adventure, and larger-than-life characters leaping off the pages into action. What I found most compelling was the portrayal of Sam's personal growth, which is handled with emotional resonance, close personal narration, and a great sense of humanity in speech and thought presentation. The book raises thought-provoking questions about humanity, artificial intelligence, and the potential consequences of our technological advancements, and this is created as a solid backdrop to the tale without overtaking the action. Overall, Journey to the Dark Galaxy is a thrilling continuation of Sam's adventures, offering both excitement and introspection, and I would highly recommend it for YA sci-fi fans everywhere.