Iron Rose

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
380 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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Author Biography

Abigail O’Bryan writes fairytale-inspired stories for teens (and the young at heart) filled with curses, adventures, and happily ever afters.

When not writing, you can find her playing D&D with her friends (or plying them with experimental baked goods), trying to do entirely too much in her garden, or just enjoying hanging out with her favorite people---her husband and two children---in their century-old house in the shadow of the Wasatch Range. Iron Rose is her debut novel.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Iron Rose is a work of fiction in the fantasy, action, romance, and adventure subgenres. It is intended for the young adult reading audience. Penned by author Abigail O'Bryan, this thrilling novel reimagines the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast with a dark and gripping twist. Lydia Brightwood seeks to dethrone the tyrant Crimson Lord to secure a better future for her country but faces the obstacle of finding a royal heir, all of whom are believed to be dead. Meanwhile, Adam, known as the Beast, struggles with his inner demons and the devastating truth of his past actions. As their paths intertwine, they must confront curses, secrets, and the high cost of reclaiming their humanity amidst a backdrop of war and magic.

Author Abigail O'Bryan has lovingly crafted a novel packed to the brim with rich world-building, intense action, and compelling characters that drew me into a dark and enchanting narrative right from the start. The pacing is excellent to get YA readers straight into the action, and every chapter is filled with suspense, romance, and intrigue to build to the next twist or revelation. The dynamic between Lydia and Adam is electric as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined fates and confront the shadows of their pasts. Their dialogue mirrored one another’s journeys beautifully whilst also intensifying the originality of each character. The story's themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the power of love are sure to resonate deeply with fans of classics and fairytales, and I loved the way O’Bryan honored the darker side of the original story with her own bloodthirsty new plotlines. Overall, Iron Rose is highly recommended as a captivating read that will leave fans of fantasy and fairy tales craving more.