
A Story about Loss, Courage, and Perseverance

Fiction - Womens
432 Pages
Reviewed on 08/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Imperfect by Katy Motiey is a compelling and heartfelt story set against pre-revolutionary and revolutionary Iran. It offers a powerful narrative about a woman's resilience and fight for her rights in a deeply patriarchal society. Motiey draws inspiration from her mother's life, making the story both intensely personal and universally relatable. At the heart of Imperfect is Vida Shamsa, a woman whose world is turned upside down by the sudden loss of her husband in 1971. Vida's grief is only the beginning of her struggles. She’s soon pitted against her late husband's family, who attempt to seize control over her children and, by extension, her life.

The novel’s historical context adds depth to the narrative, capturing the turbulence of Iran during the Shah’s regime, the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini, and the ensuing 1979 hostage crisis. The political upheavals provide a dramatic backdrop to Vida's battles, mirroring her internal turmoil and desire for autonomy. Katy Motiey’s writing parallels the broader fight for justice and the individual’s quest for freedom. Imperfect explores the complexities of familial loyalty, the oppressive nature of outdated traditions, and the spirit of a woman who refuses to bow to them. Motiey’s story is intimate, highlighting how one woman’s fight against injustice can echo the larger struggles of a nation in turmoil. The story is a fictionalized version of the author’s mother’s life. Motiey truly loves her mother and admires her courage and strength, which is apparent on every page. Despite the book being a quick read, it is long-lasting.