
The story of four people who allowed fate to intervene and alter the course of history

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
328 Pages
Reviewed on 09/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Ifff... by Curtis Shalo is a historical fiction novel that explores the intertwined lives of four fictional characters from diverse backgrounds who unknowingly impact significant historical events, culminating in their convergence on 9/11. Through themes of love, loss, betrayal, and destiny, the novel examines the ‘what ifs’ that shape their lives and alter the course of history. As the story unfolds, readers are challenged to uncover the subtle connections between the characters and their roles in these pivotal moments. Shalo offers a brilliant balance of plot versus character in this tightly-penned and accomplished work of fiction.

The intricate plot structure keeps readers engaged as they piece together the connections between the characters and historical events. A confident narrative flow right from the first page centers readers firmly into each storyline so that you always know where you are in the plot. There’s a real intimacy to the personal dramas playing out in each converging storyline, with vivid characterization that helps you get deeply invested in each character and their emotional resolutions. Curtis Shalo’s exploration of fate is thought-provoking, encouraging readers to reflect on whether destiny really is in control, as it appears to be for the characters. As the plot deepens and we become totally invested, the skillful handling of the separate stories comes to fruition with some truly brilliant revelations and conclusions that are not all joyful, but certainly satisfying. Overall, Ifff... is a highly accomplished novel that I’d certainly recommend to literary drama fans everywhere.