Honeysuckle Playground

Young Adult - Coming of Age
211 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Honeysuckle Playground is a young adult drama by Adrian Heflin. Set in the 1980s, the book follows the story of Geraldine, a teenager growing up in the small town of Talmadge in Georgia. Raised by a single mother, Geraldine has a lot of anger in her heart for her estranged father, who, unbeknownst to her, is a Vietnam War vet suffering from PTSD and substance abuse issues. Like her mother, Christine, Geraldine is a talented high school basketball player, hoping to play in college. Tragedy strikes when her mother passes away from AIDS, and Geraldine is left to take care of her younger twin siblings. Frustrated with her life, she lashes out against those who care about her, including her boyfriend and her best friend. With social services threatening to break her family apart, will Geraldine find a way out?

Honeysuckle Playground is a part coming-of-age story and part drama novel that highlights some relevant social issues. Adrian Heflin's character-driven narrative is riveting, with a plot filled with heartbreak, drama, romance, and intrigue. The author paces the story brilliantly, opening with a brief introduction to Christine and her husband Gerald's tale to familiarize readers with the background and origins of the main protagonist, Geraldine. Even the supporting cast of characters is interesting, and each character has their own agency, leaving their mark on the reader. Apart from Geraldine, I also enjoyed the story arcs of Aunt Bennie, Stephanie, and Ellis. Despite the tragic premise of the tale, the ending leaves you with hope, and I found it very satisfying. For readers who love coming-of-age stories with realistic characters, this book is a must-read!