
Fiction - Paranormal
242 Pages
Reviewed on 07/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Hide! is a paranormal mystery thriller by Linda Arena. Megan Hollis is a nine-year-old child with extraordinary abilities, which she uses to interact with her deceased father. But when Dr. Clive Jenkins and his men raid their house and kill Megan's mother, Megan escapes with the ghost of her father and is soon accompanied by a pack of wolves. After finding sanctuary in the home of the kind-hearted Amish woman Hope, Megan meets the zookeeper, Jeff Olsen. The three form a bond of love and mutual respect. Jeff marries Hope and the two work toward adopting Megan. However, Clive is still after Megan, launching attacks on the newfound family that soon land him in prison. Meanwhile, Megan's birth mother is back, and she takes her to Florida. Now, Clive will play a key role in bringing the family together.

A healthy dose of mystery, action, and suspense with a tinge of the paranormal makes Hide! a riveting read for thriller aficionados. Author Linda Arena doesn't take long to drop the reader into the midst of the action, and from the first page to the last, this book is a non-stop thrill ride. The plot moves at a brisk pace with a few unexpected curveballs that take you by surprise and make you wonder what's happening next. Arena's main characters are very likable and easy to root for. Megan, Hope, and Jeff actually feel like a real family. I also liked Hank and Alice as secondary characters. In conclusion, Hide! is a captivating thriller for readers who love supernatural fiction. I enjoyed the book and heartily recommend it.