
Children - Animals
36 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2023
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Author Biography

Nielle Marques is a children's book writer and illustrator living in Massachusetts. Her journey as an author has been deeply inspired by one very special person in her life: her son. His joy and fascination with the natural world serve as the heart and soul of her stories. When not writing and illustrating, Nielle likes to spend time outside with her family.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kathy Golden for Readers' Favorite

Greeny by Nielle P. Marques is a unique and entertaining story inviting children to experience what life is like for Greeny, a former caterpillar, now tucked away in his cocoon. The story has a warm and personal feel to it because Greeny has so many friends who care about him and watch over him while he’s in the cocoon. His ability to communicate with his friends from inside his enclosure allows readers to feel like they, too, are right there inside with him. They experience the personal ways that Greeny's friends bring him comfort and companionship and even protection when most needed. I found this aspect of the story to be a wonderful tool for teaching children how they can help their friends through situations in life; when just being there for someone is the very best expression of love and caring.

I especially liked the coloring book or hand-painted appearance of each drawing. The scenes feel as if each one has just been freshly painted or colored, and I could easily see children, each with their box of crayons or paints, happily filling in each page. The story ended in such a way that I feel as if Greeny is about to embark on a life that will lead to great adventures captured in future books. Thank you, Nielle P. Marques, for Greeny’s wonderful story that teaches children not only about the transformation of the butterfly but also about how friendship can be a powerful cocoon when it needs to be.

Natalie Soine

In Greeny by Nielle P. Marques, a small caterpillar, awakens from his two-week slumber inside his cocoon to the voices of his friends, Froggy, Dee, Manty, and Squirrel. As he anticipates his transformation into a butterfly, Greeny yearns to explore the world and witness its wonders. Each friend offers support and encouragement, strengthening the bonds they've formed. However, an ominous black raven threatens Greeny's newfound hope. In this dire moment, Dee seeks Squirrel's aid, who fearlessly confronts the raven and drives it away. With determination and effort, Greeny emerges from his cocoon, revealing vibrant, colorful wings. His friends cheer in amazement at his beauty and newfound abilities. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Greeny says his farewells, promising to return and share his adventures. Filled with excitement and a sense of freedom, Greeny takes flight, embarking on a journey to explore the world from the skies.

Greeny is a charming children's picture book that beckons young readers to embark on a voyage into the natural world. This is a heartwarming tale that beautifully illustrates the power of friendship, courage, and transformation. Author Nielle P. Marques skillfully weaves a narrative filled with hope and inspiration as Greeny eagerly anticipates his transformation into a butterfly. Squirrel fearlessly confronting the ominous raven to protect Greeny is a powerful moment that highlights the strength of friendship. The theme of transformation is beautifully portrayed as Greeny emerges from his cocoon with vibrant wings, ready to explore the world. Greeny is a delightful read for both children and adults, offering valuable lessons about resilience and the beauty of embracing change.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Greeny is a children’s book by Nielle P. Marques. During a hot mid-summer morning, Greeny awoke to the sounds of frogs. As a caterpillar, he had made a lot of friends, including Squirrel, “Manty” the praying mantis, “Dee” the ladybug, and Froggy, and they had patiently waited for him to wake from his time in his cocoon. Each friend visits Greeny, conveying excitement over the next step in his cycle. Soon, a raven takes notice of Greeny’s cocoon, and the friends must work together to try to save Greeny from becoming a meal for the bird.

Nielle P. Marquis captures all the colors of nature with her beautiful illustrations. Each page of the book is certain to catch a child’s eye as they discover the rich green shades in the garden and the vibrant colors on Greeny’s wings. I was especially impressed by the preview of Greeny’s impressive wings as he rested inside his cocoon. There is an element of suspense in the story as Greeny’s cocoon is attacked, but the situation is resolved quickly, promoting the ties of friendship the characters share. As the garden friends bid Greeny farewell, they remain positive, promoting supportive relationships. Marques’s book could be used to discuss helping convalescent friends as they recover from an illness, as Greeny’s friends help him while he is changing in his cocoon, and the text may open a discussion about acquaintances who must move to follow better opportunities. Greeny is a good selection for children who enjoy nature and stories about endearing friendships.

Callen Kropp

"Greeny" by Nielle P Marques is a very compelling picture book. It tells the story of Greeny, a caterpillar awaiting the day he will be freed from the cocoon where he has interacted daily for the past two weeks with his colorful friends. The interaction between Greeny and Froggy, Dee the Ladybug, the brave and powerful Squirrel, and the vulturous Raven bid your attention and curiosity, moving the story along beautifully. As children read about Greeny awaiting his day of release, they will be riveted not only by anticipation for Greeny's emergence into the world, but also by the interplay between characters.

I love that the main character of this book has many friends who protect him and cheer him on--not only as he is cocooned and attacked, but also as he emerges as a butterfly. The setting is both educational and appealing, providing readers with a glimpse of the beauty of the natural world.

Greeny is a picture book that is worthy of any family library. It is a refreshing and beautiful book that helps children understand that friendships protect and patience sustains.

Laura Neal

Greeny is a beautifully illustrated and heartwarming story about personal transformation and friendship that endures. The story begins with Greeny in his cocoon dreaming about the day he finally gets to fly and enjoy nature from all different perspectives. While he waits, he is visited by his many friends who are also excited for the day that he is finally able to fly. While in the cocoon, Greeny is extremely vulnerable and unable to defend himself. When a raven tries to eat him, he calls for help and his friends spring into action to save him.

Greeny is an inspiring story of growing into something beautiful with the help of your friends. The animals that star in the story can typically be found in any neighborhood park or back yard which brings familiarity to the story. It may also inspire kids to create their own story of their local wildlife! This is a great read with such important lessons that kids are sure to enjoy!

Alexandre Noll

Greeny is an adorable book for young children. A modern fable about friendship and adventure, beautifully illustrated by hand in a style that is accessible to children. My son absolutely loves it.