Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place

Fiction - Supernatural
305 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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Author Biography

Amy Safford’s articles and essays have appeared in Soul Magazine, Mythology Journal, Mind Prose, Write a Catalyst and other publications. Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place is her debut novel. She taught English composition at the University of New England and was a contributing writer to Coastal Fish of Southern Maine and New Hampshire published by Wells Reserve & Laudholm Trust. Her alma maters include Boston University’s College of Communication, USM Stonecoast MFA, and Berkeley Law (ESG Cert). She is the former executive director of the Maine Psychological Association and lives in Southern Maine.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place by Amy Safford captivates readers right from the opening pages, drawing them into the chilly March weather of Maine. Pennie wakes up with multiple regrets, including the young man beside her, after a wild night of birthday celebrations. Her cousin Tita, a former Olympic skier and attention seeker with an on-again, off-again filmmaker boyfriend named Lars, adds another layer of intrigue to the story. The narrative quickly accelerates when Pennie, skiing down Pleasant Mountain, has a bad accident that sends her crashing into a tree. As she lies injured, she sees a vision of a great winged bird just as the ski patrol rescues her. Amy Safford's detailed and vivid descriptions make readers feel as if they are experiencing every moment alongside the characters. Each page brims with action and life, making the narrative compelling and immersive. Young and older readers alike will be hooked from the start.

The strength of Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place lies in its rich character development and evocative storytelling. Pennie’s journey, marked by strange visions and recurring symbols, keeps readers engaged as she navigates her new reality. The relationships between the characters, especially Pennie, Tita, and Lars, are intricately woven, adding depth and authenticity to the narrative. Amy Safford's ability to blend the supernatural with the everyday struggles of her characters creates a compelling and relatable story. Readers will appreciate the themes of self-discovery and resilience as Pennie unearths hidden truths about her past and her connection to the mysterious history of Malaga Island. The combination of suspense, emotional depth, and vivid imagery makes it a standout read for anyone who enjoys character-driven stories with a touch of the mystical. This novel not only entertains but also provokes thought, making it a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction with a twist.

K.C. Finn

Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place is a work of fiction in the supernatural, interpersonal drama, and adventure genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to scenes of a sexual nature and discussions of adult themes. Penned by author Amy Safford, the plot follows Penelope Brigid Goode, who undergoes a transformation after a near-death experience on her 30th birthday. Haunted by visions of her deceased dog, estranged mother, and premonitory ghost owls, Pennie becomes disturbed by the recurring number three. Surveying a graveyard near an old Home for the Feeble-Minded with her uncle, she senses vibrations from spirits of the Malaga Island settlement, exiled over a century ago. Despite ominous signs, Pennie engages in a risky relationship with a developer excavating near the graves, leading her to discover historical truths and seek justice.

Author Amy Safford has crafted an enthralling journey into the supernatural that is effortlessly intertwined with a gripping historical mystery to keep you turning pages rapidly to find out what happens next. Penelope's transformation and her peculiar visions give us an exciting starting point where the drama is already high, and the pacing keeps this tension up throughout the tale. The atmospheric language is well crafted with eerie motifs that continue to repeat and haunt Pennie’s journey. There are immersive, multisensory highlights in the descriptions, like her trip through the graveyard and the unexpected connection she makes there, that really stick in your mind long after you set the book down. Her struggle with sanity while uncovering buried truths is well-paced and realistically penned with a great sense of psychological challenge, reflecting the emotional weight of confronting one's past and heritage. Overall, Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place beautifully combined elements of the supernatural with historical depth, offering a highly recommended and accomplished read.

Jamie Michele

Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place by Amy Safford revolves around Pennie Goode, a young woman recovering from an accident, who assists at Uncle Alfie's office. There, they meet Jeannette McCarthy, a mother whose daughter Chloe died tragically. They visit Heritage Acres, discussing the property's history and plans for development. Pennie begins having visions of various anomalies, especially as she starts coming off the painkillers from her accident. Following a horse show, Pennie gets to know and starts to have feelings for Wade, who is part of the property development project. The thing is, the proposed development is near a cemetery where Pennie's senses heighten, and she dreams about Malaga Island, with visions of displaced islanders and desecrated graves. As she does more digging, so too does the planned project, and Pennie must try to reconcile her relationship with Ward, the tragedy of Chloe, the history of the Malaga islanders, and all that vibrates through her.

Amy Safford does an excellent job of bringing both the characters who are alive and the tragedies of the past together in Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place. I love the mystery elements and the fact that there are loads of moving pieces here. Pennie starts out as a woman who has experienced loss but is somewhat naive and a little unsure about the direction of her life. Her accident and Alfie's heart attack put her on a new path, one that becomes increasingly difficult to view as a series of random coincidences. The past and present collide in symbolic ways within her life, like the premonitions that come while taking pictures of graves that are the consequence of pain, only to have photos create pain in her personal life later. There are connections Safford pulls together that are beautiful. Safford also reminds us of the crimes that we might not be responsible for but that we are accountable for, and the protections owed to those who cannot protect themselves. Sympathetically written and cinematically depicted, this is a book for those looking to bite into a work that's thick in substance and style. Very highly recommended.

Theresa Hodge

Goode Vibrations of the Wresting Place is a beautifully written historical fiction by first time novelist Amy Safford. The fast paced story is full of Maine reference points and the haunting history telling of Malaga Island and its souls all interwoven into Pennie’s journey of discovering where she fits. Deep descriptions made it easy to visualize place and characters and feel the mystical presence as the story unfolded. It kept me guessing to the end and made me want more! A MUST READ - PICK UP A BOOK TODAY AND ENJOY!!