Finding The Way

Non-Fiction - Anthology
198 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maria Victoria Beltran for Readers' Favorite

Finding The Way by Immigrant Writers Association is a collection of fiction, nonfiction, and essays from thirteen Canadian immigrants. The first in the fiction section of the anthology, Where I Set My Anvil, immediately sets the general tone of the collection. 'The land here, despite being welcoming and full of opportunities, had a way of reminding me that I am not its chosen one. But I have never been the chosen one anywhere, not even in the land where my ancestors lived and breathed. But this is the place I chose to forge my own metal; this is where I set my anvil.' With writers coming from all over the world, reading this book allows us to visit somewhere new, transporting us to the past, returning to the present, and taking us to the future.

Finding The Way by thirteen members of the Immigrant Writers Association offers a highly textured portrait of immigrants in Canada and a wide range of views and insights into their lives. This colorful collection brings together thirteen different voices shaped by diverse cultural elements, writing about the same theme, and it’s a fascinating read. Their stories may be diverse, but a lot of things unite them. Each literary piece depicts daring, resilience, optimism, and the universal concerns of family, friends, love, and leaving home. Some stories will be more to your taste than others, but none are weak in substance. With 272 million international immigrants globally, according to the IOM World migration report in 2020, this book is both timely and relevant, and if you’re considering emigrating to another part of the world, this work could be a real treat. I highly recommend this book!