Cozy Critters on the Ark

Children - Christian
45 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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Author Biography

We learned a lot from our friendship with Cooper our little guinea pig. To our surprise, Cooper wanted to be near us all the time and he slept on Michael's chest every evening. We noticed that having someone that wanted to be with us really made us feel loved, even at times when we felt tired or lonely. We created a story to capture the value of having friends that love you like family. We built a world where people are safe to be their unique selves, gentleness is power, and love never fails. Our whimsical series is taking on a life of its own and we are grateful to share it with anyone willing to call us friends.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Astrid Iustulin for Readers' Favorite

Rufi is a mouse who is comfortably reading in his house when the pipes burst. Despite his best efforts, he cannot fix them by himself, so he decides to build a new home. Rufi first encounters Noah and the Cozy Critters at that time and learns that they are building an ark because of an impending storm. Rufi completes the Ark, but this is only the first of our hero's many accomplishments. In Cozy Critters on the Ark, Nicole and Michael Collazo will tell you everything Rufi does on the Ark, how he discovers the value of friendship, and why it is important to set differences aside.

Cozy Critters on the Ark is a valuable book for many reasons. I especially liked how Nicole and Michael Collazo interweaved the biblical tale of the flood with Rufi's adventure. They did an excellent job and deserve praise for entertaining a young audience with a biblical story. Rufi is a lovely character who offers a lot of food for thought. At first, he persists in doing everything by himself (one thing I like about him is that he loves to work hard), but in the end, he learns to appreciate friendship and, above all, realizes what are the foundations of a truly happy home. It was a pleasure reading Cozy Critters on the Ark, and I recommend it to all young readers curious to understand why friendship is so important. Rufi and the Cozy Critters are the ideal characters to explain this fundamental concept to them.