
Finding Your Joy in God's Approval, Affirmation, and Pleasure (Even on Your Worst Days)

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
262 Pages
Reviewed on 08/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Cherubimaris Casino for Readers' Favorite

Commended: Finding Your Joy in God's Approval, Affirmation, and Pleasure by author David Runge explores how individuals can live the Gospel to the fullest and have a genuine relationship with Christ. Through a blend of theological wisdom, carefully selected biblical passages and personal anecdotes, Runge provides reassurance for readers seeking to understand what it truly means to be pleasing to God. The author's sensitive approach and insightful commentary guide readers on a transformative journey, inviting them to discover the depths of God's love and acceptance. Each chapter culminates in a heartfelt blessing, reaffirming the reader's identity as a beloved child of God and providing a comforting touchstone throughout the book. There are sessions and reflection questions at the end to deepen one's understanding of the Gospel. These questions open the way to practical application.

What sets Commended apart is its engaging structure and culturally sensitive approach, making it accessible to a wide audience. David Runge's examination of key biblical figures and their interactions with Jesus illustrates God's consistent pattern of commendation and acceptance, offering readers a fresh perspective on familiar stories. By consistently returning to the theme of seeing reality through a relationship with Jesus, the book provides a lens through which readers can view their faith journey. For those grappling with spiritual insecurities, scrupulosities, or seeking a deeper understanding of God's eternal plan for an intimate connection with His creation, Commended serves as a source of comfort and inspiration, offering new insights and winsome examples that will strengthen believers and equip them to minister to others more effectively.