Church Dog's Little Book of Prayers

Children - Christian
68 Pages
Reviewed on 08/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Church Dog's Little Book of Prayers by Tracy Mattes is a Christian children's picture book. Church Dog takes children on a journey filled with prayers, teaching them the word of God. Every prayer has a purpose – for pets, parents, the weather, forgiveness, and much more – and this teaches kids that they can tell God anything they want; He will listen to them every time. The prayers are short but easy to remember and show kids that they are well and truly loved.

Church Dog's Little Book of Prayers by Tracy Mattes is a wonderful way to teach prayers to children. The illustrations by Justin Greenly are bright and cheerful, bringing a spot of fun and lightness to the book and helping children remember the prayers more easily. The prayers are to the point, each one with a relevant illustration to make it easier for children to understand them, and each relates to something specific. This book is an excellent way to teach children that God is always there for them and that no matter what they want to talk to Him about, He will listen without judgment. It's also a great way to teach kids to appreciate everything the world has to offer, not least their families. These prayers are simple for kids to learn, and you don't have to be religious to appreciate the messages each one brings. This is a lovely book and I think it should be a part of every child's library – just reading youngsters one or two prayers a night will instill in them the importance of prayers and the role these play in life.