Charlie and Sophie's Great Escape

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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Author Biography

Farial English lives in a small, rural community in upstate New York with her husband and two dogs. Surrounded by woods and fallow fields, their dogs run free, living their best lives. Farial spends most of her time outdoors, planting and tending flowers, growing vegetables, and caring for her colonies of honey bees.

As an avid reader, Farial read hundreds of books with her three sons as they were growing up. They looked forward to their weekly trips to the local library with anticipation. Over the years, Farial jotted down story ideas and stashed them away, thinking that someday she would write and publish a book of her own.

The birth of her grandson inspired Farial to dust off those ideas and write her first picture book for young children. She feels deeply gratified to have published a picture book that may delight a child, even one she doesn’t know and will never meet.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Charlie and Sophie’s Great Escape is a delightful children’s picture book written by Farial English, with illustrations by Patrizia Donaera. It follows the adventurous tale of two dogs, Charlie and Sophie, as they explore their surroundings after a rainstorm. When their owner, Nicky, returns to the house to retrieve his hat during their walk, the dogs do not follow his instructions to wait for him. Instead, they run into the woods, chasing after a deer. Even after losing sight of the deer, they continue to sniff around and look for other creatures. They encounter a large bird that scares them, and by the time they manage to escape, they realize they are lost and far from home. Using their senses, Charlie and Sophie try to find their way back. Will they be able to navigate through the unfamiliar woods and reunite with Nicky?

Charlie and Sophie’s Great Escape is a fun story with adorable characters and an engaging plot. It introduces children to Charlie and Sophie, two dogs inspired by real-life pets, while teaching readers about dogs’ sensory perceptions. The story encompasses themes of friendship, adventure, teamwork, and curiosity. Farial English’s narration is captivating, reflecting her love for animals and nature. The vibrant illustrations bring Charlie and Sophie’s adventure to life, showing the beautiful outdoors and lush greenery. The vivid colors enhance the whimsical feel of the story, making it visually appealing to young readers. It includes interactive activities that encourage readers to explore their senses. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend sharing it with animal lovers and children to help them learn about dogs’ senses.


This is a cute children's book with a lesson about making mistakes and learning from them, and about the 5 senses. It's beautifully illustrated as well.

Alex English

My family and I enjoyed this fun picture book, where two clever dogs use their sharp senses and intelligence to find their way back home. Bright illustrations brought the forest to life, and the exciting text was engaging for my young son!

Farial English

The review highlights the important themes of friendship, teamwork, and self-reliance that form the story's backbone. The back matter includes photos of the dogs who inspired this book and mentions how Charlie and Sophie use their senses to explore the woods to find their way out of a scary situation. Ideas for interactive activities that encourage young readers to explore their environment using their senses are presented at the end.