Cam Creates a Hero

A Growth Mindset Book for Kids

Children - Social Issues
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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Author Biography

Dagmara is a Canada-based mother of two, who is committed to children’s education and emotional well-being.

“Cam Creates a Hero" by Dagmara Sitek was inspired by the tragic story of 8-year-old Kamilek from Czestochowa, who died due to mistreatment by his stepfather. It is a testament to the power of empathy and compassion. It models positive interactions and helps kids put themselves in someone else’s shoes.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Unfortunately, we live in a world of pain and suffering. Children should never be the victims of intentional and malicious attacks that can harm them for life. In Cam Creates a Hero by Dagmara Sitek, we meet Cam, who lives in a foster home with his foster mom and two siblings, Inaya and Loris. He is a dreamer who loves drawing and writing. One day, he sees a news story about an eight-year-old girl who was badly hurt by her stepmom. This makes him sad for her and other children who are in pain. He learns about empathy but moves beyond that to compassion. Compassion does what it can to relieve the situation. He decides to build a special robot named Giorgio who will protect kids. Cam cannot make the robot work but learns an even bigger lesson. Through his art and stories, he encourages and inspires children in the hospital to be resilient and achieve anything they set their minds to. This is an inspiring story for all children.

Cam Creates a Hero by Dagmara Sitek will encourage your child to become empathetic and compassionate. This book is aimed at children aged eight to ten. They will identify with the fears of being harmed by stories they have heard from their schoolmates. Children are resilient but need unconditional love and acceptance from their parents and guardians to heal and thrive. As a parent, discussing this book and learning what your child has experienced and heard is a good idea. Please encourage your child to become like Cam and his siblings. When they see suffering, let them know it is good to do what they can to alleviate that pain. My daughter worked in the foster/adoption field for a couple of decades and saw this type of pain and suffering first-hand. She would have given this book to many children if she'd had the opportunity. I was so excited to read this book and can’t wait to read more in this series. I highly recommend this book to all. This book is excellent and deserves five stars.

Mimie Odigwe

Cam Creates a Hero, written by Dagmara Sitek and illustrated by Lau Frank, is a heartwarming story that follows Cam, a young boy living in a foster home with his siblings, Inaya and Loris. The story begins with a news report on TV about a young girl who was abused by her stepmom, and this affects Cam deeply. Unable to sleep, he is determined to find a way to help other suffering children. Cam, with the help of his foster siblings, decides to create a hero robot to protect innocent kids. Using tape, glue, cardboard, wires, and a battery, they bring Cam’s drawing to life, creating Giorgio, a robot. However, despite their efforts, Giorgio doesn’t turn on. Cam feels like a failure, but does he give up? Find out inside this book and discover the magic within.

This book emphasizes essential values such as empathy, compassion, and resilience. It also highlights the value of consistency and dedication in achieving one’s goals. Cam serves as a role model, teaching children to always help those in need and never give up when faced with challenges. Inaya and Loris are also heroes by supporting their brother in fulfilling his dream. The chat balloons add an engaging element for comic lovers. The book is both engaging and educational. Cam Creates a Hero is an inspiring tale of creativity, teamwork, and perseverance. Their exciting adventure continues in the next installment of the Courage Tales Series by Dagmara Sitek. Overall, a great book.

Pikasho Deka

Cam Creates A Hero is a children's picture book by Dagmara Sitek. The story follows a young boy named Cam living with his foster mom and two siblings, Inaya and Loris, in a foster home. Cam loves to express his creativity through art. One day, while watching television, Cam hears news of a hospitalized young girl hurt by her stepmother. Deeply moved by the girl's story, Cam starts building a hero robot named Giorgio to ensure kids don't get hurt along with his foster siblings. However, when Giorgio doesn't turn out as expected, Cam lashes out and injures himself. At the hospital, Cam sees other kids who are sick and delves into his drawings to create stories about Giorgio, the hero robot. This way, he learns to bring happiness to the world.

Cam Creates a Hero is a moving story about a young boy's dream to make the world a better place to live. Through this heartfelt tale, Dagmara Sitek shows how resilience, compassion, and creativity can help us overcome even the most daunting challenges in life and bring joy to the lives of others. Sitek has crafted some very likable and relatable characters readers will love to root for. Even as a young boy, Cam strives to do good and lessen the pain of others. He uses his talent in the best way possible -- to help others in need. Illustrator Lau Frank's beautifully drawn artwork brings these characters to life and creates an immersive read. I can't reiterate enough how much I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to young and adult readers alike.

Amy Louise Hill

Cam Creates a Hero by Dagmara Sitek is a creative and educational picture book for young readers. One day, a young boy named Cam is drawing with his siblings in front of the TV. His foster mom turns on the news and the broadcaster captures Cam's attention. The broadcaster reports a case of a young girl being hurt by her stepmom, and this makes Cam feel sad. Later that night, Cam struggled to sleep; the story of the young girl from the TV was playing in his mind. The following morning, Cam shares his sadness with his family, and he comes up with a great idea. Cam decides he will build a robot that will protect children from all kinds of danger. With the help of his siblings, will Cam be able to pull it off and protect the children? Find out in this book.

Cam Creates a Hero is an incredible story. The author Dagmara Sitek has done a great job of creating a heart-warming and imaginative story that will capture both the attention and heart of any young child reading it. From start to finish, Sitek grips the reader with their professionalism. Every word has been carefully used to teach children compassion, creativity, and much more. The illustrations by Lau Frank fit perfectly within the storyline and bring the characters' personalities to life. I hope to have the pleasure of reading the next book by this author and wish them all the best. Keep up the good work!

Anne-Marie Reynolds

Cam Creates a Hero by Dagmara Sitek is a children's book about important social issues. Cam lives in a foster home with a lovely family, and he's very artistic. When he hears a news story about a little girl who was hurt by her stepmom, it upsets him. He takes his drawing pad and draws a picture of a robot called Giorgio, a robot that will protect any child in need. He and his foster family decide to build the robot but they can't get it to work. When Cam hits his head, he has to go to the hospital, where he dreams of Giorgio. His robot has an important message for Cam, and he decides to write a story about Giorgio. Can his story bring some magic into the hearts of other children?

Cam Creates a Hero by Dagmara Sitek is a delightful book about a boy who loves art and creates a robot hero to help protect children. The illustrations are amazing, very lifelike, and an integral part of the plot. The story itself has some lovely characters who highlight several important issues, including determination and compassion. It also celebrates creativity, encourages children to do what makes them happy, and highlights the need to face challenges head-on, be it alone or with friends and family. This story will captivate young readers and encourage them to dream big and learn to recognize when others are in need and help them. This is a worthy book for any children's library, at school and in the home. This is such a fun story that they'll want to read it over and over again.