Burning Red

The Red Legacies

Romance - Paranormal
297 Pages
Reviewed on 05/10/2024
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Author Biography

A lover of all things dark and spooky, a complete contrast to her usual sunny personality. An avid reader of PNR and horror which inspired her to create stories of her own.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

Burning Red: The Red Legacies by Trinity Slain delivers a beautiful blend of romance and paranormal intrigue. Garron, tortured and scarred in prison, finds an unexpected ally in Jaxon. Jaxon makes the ultimate sacrifice to help Garron escape from prison. Now, Garron must find and protect his sister. Maxine has lost hope of seeing her brother after killing the only person who knew his whereabouts. But Garron arrives, claiming he knows where to find her brother. As secrets unravel and danger looms, the tension between Garron and Maxine simmers with primal intensity, fueled by a connection neither can deny. They must stay alive while finding a way to return to the prison where Garron has faced monsters, torture, and dark caves. Can they beat multiple enemies and rescue Maxine's brother from a place where escape is almost impossible?

There is much to enjoy in this first installment of The Red Legacies series, an opening that makes a bold promise on what readers should expect in the next installments. Characterization is impeccable! Readers are introduced to complex characters, each meticulously written, each carrying a heavy burden. The conflict shapes their inner worlds. Garron has been through a lot of pain, a man broken by torture, and his escape from the worst prison in their world is daring. His encounter with Maxine, a beguilingly beautiful woman, increases the stakes. Maxine has her demons to handle, and while the attraction grows between them, they must overcome their fears and learn to trust each other. The writing is superb, with beautiful descriptions and multiple POVs. The setting is finely drawn and mirrors the characters' inner worlds. Trinity Slain's writing is infused with strong imagery and a sense of timing. Burning Red was a delightful read for me.