Bubbe's Sweet Surprise

Children - Picture Book
30 Pages
Reviewed on 12/10/2022
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Author Biography

Sherry Dahl is the author of "The Magical Land of Hearts," "Bubbe's Sweet Surprise," and "The Fantastical Forest." She graduated from Tufts University, where she studied Child Development and Entrepreneurial Studies. Her children’s books include themes of family, fantasy, and humor. She hopes that this book brings you and your family great naches (joy)!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Erin Nicole Cochran for Readers' Favorite

Bubbe’s Sweet Surprise by Sherry Dahl is such a sweet treat for any child to read. Not only does it have educational elements throughout the book to teach children Yiddish words, but the illustrations created by Mike Motz are so incredibly expressive, bringing ultimate joy to readers as the story progresses. The adult characters are dogs and the children are puppies, which enhances the story even more. The storyline is about the puppies misinterpreting Yiddish words that their grandma is using, as they have some interesting adventures whilst coming up with her birthday present.

Sherry Dahl’s Bubbe’s Sweet Surprise is the type of children’s book that little ones will want to read again and again, either alone or with their parents’ support. The story is uncomplicated, allowing children to grasp what is taking place, but it still has those educational pearls inside that will have kids excited to learn more. For a child learning new words, it can feel like a secret code is being unlocked, and in the process of understanding, a bond can form between those involved, which makes this a much more enticing experience. Bubbe’s Sweet Surprise is full of joy, laughter, intelligence, and a yummy recipe at the end of the book. It encourages and fosters learning and creativity and shows the importance of spending time with your loved ones. You will fall in love this Christmas and every month in between with this wonderful read.