Between the Walls

Children - Action
40 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Francis Mont for Readers' Favorite

Between the Walls is about two fishing villages by the sea, sharing a bay and a pier for their fishing boats. As usual, sharing a common resource inevitably results in misunderstanding and conflict, so the two mayors overreact and decide to build two walls between the two villages, leaving a small strip of land in between. When a small boat with a young child arrives at the pier, he is refused admittance into the villages but is allowed to build a small cabin on the no-man’s land where he can stay, build a cabin, start a garden, and even paint pretty artwork on the walls. The kids in both villages are unhappy about the separation, cut off from their friends on the other side, and even the adults spend time on top of the walls, admiring the visitor’s garden and artwork. Will the mayors come to their senses and allow their citizens to tear down the walls and restore peaceful cooperation?

Between the Walls by Tuula Pere is a delightful children’s book for kids 6-10, but can be enjoyed even by adults. The language is easy to follow, the pacing is just perfect, and the plot is simple. The message is powerful and upbeat about conflict resolution and problem-solving, without the heavy preaching that could turn the reader off. I admired the author’s effort to teach young children about peaceful coexistence and cooperation, concepts that children are never too young to learn and internalize. The artwork by Andrea Alemanno is beautiful and evocative and the characters are drawn with finesse and convincing detail. I almost wish I had young children of my own I could read this book to and watch how they love the peaceful resolution at the end. I highly recommend Between the Walls as a rare and very important book to all adults who want their children to grow up with positive social values.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Leo, the wanderer, sails his small boat into a rocky bay. He’s surprised to discover two towns facing each other, each boarded and segregated by a large stone wall. The mayors of both towns refuse to allow Leo to reside in their respective towns, so he builds a cabin in the empty space between the walls. In Tuula Pere’s Between the Walls, young readers learn how Leo decorated the walls to make them less barren in appearance; he grew a garden; and, at night, he played his violin on the abandoned pier. This lonely traveler had carved a place into the hearts of the people who lived in both towns. They soon came out to join him, to listen to him play, to enjoy the artwork he created on the walls, and to play.

Tuula Pere’s picture book, Between the Walls, is a folktale about collaboration, friendship, and getting along with others. The plot follows Leo’s arrival and his initial confrontation with the mayors of the two towns. Told in simple language so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills, this story reads like a fairy tale. It intends to both educate and entertain and the author has done just that. Leo’s character is well-developed: he is a simple boy with a strong sense of compassion and a good heart. He has an intuitive ability to work with others and bring them together. The illustrations by Andrea Alemanno are pastel-toned and calming – very suitable for this story.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

In Between the Walls by Tuula Pere, two towns face each other across a bay, two towns that have grown from little villages. Now, bigger boats are docking in the bay, but there aren’t enough berths. When Leo docks at a pier belonging to both towns, he finds it deserted. The town mayors will not allow Leo to enter their towns, but he’s in luck – a piece of land between the two towns, not owned by either, is perfect for him to set up home. And so he does. A beautiful cabin, a garden full of flowers, and his lovely violin playing soon attract people from both towns. As they stare over the walls, a thought begins to be voiced – shouldn’t they just tear the walls down and get together? What will the mayors of each town think? Can the two towns become friends again?

Between the Walls by Tuula Pere is a fun little story but with some serious undertones. The illustrations by Andrea Alemanno really do this story justice. On the face of it, this is a cute story about a traveler trying to put down roots, but there’s more to it. This is about not putting up walls to cut other people off, or if you do, knocking them down again. It’s about accepting each other for who and what they are, regardless of the differences between you. Kids should learn early that everyone has different opinions, and it’s not right to knock anyone for theirs and it certainly isn’t okay to shut them out because their opinions don’t align. I loved this book. Highly recommended for parents, kids, and schools everywhere.

Pikasho Deka

Between the Walls by Tuula Pere is the story of two neighboring coastal towns separated by a shard pier. Over time, the hostility between the inhabitants forces the mayors to build walls around their towns, and soon people from the eastern and the western sides stop mingling with each other on the pier, and the land between them becomes no man's land. One day, a young boy on a little sailing boat arrives in the neglected harbor. After failing to convince the mayors of both sides, he finally finds room for a little cabin with his own garden in the no man's land. He covers the ugly stone walls on both sides with beautiful paintings of flowers, trees, and birds, drawing the attention of the people from the rival towns. But is it enough to bring them together?

Borders may divide us, but art, music, and culture can bring humanity together. This is the premise of this wonderful picture book by Tuula Pere. Between the Walls is full of wonder and shows how much human beings can achieve if they work together in unity. Pere is a master of weaving poignant themes in children's books, and this short story is no exception. Leo is the charismatic protagonist who steals the show. However, the book also features some unnamed children who aren't big fans of the walls separating them from their friends on the other side, despite the adults thinking otherwise. It has some deep-seated parallels to how things work in our society in the real world. Andrea Alemanno's drawings are spectacular and enhance the story in the best way. Recommended to both children and adults!

Kristine Zimmerman

Between the Walls by Tuula Pere is a modern-day fable. Two towns exist on either side of the bay. Each town's fishermen use the pier in the middle of the bay. As the cities grow, so do the boats, and soon the dock is no longer big enough for everyone. Disagreements erupt, and the situation becomes so volatile that the mayors build walls to separate their towns. Unable to agree on a single wall, each town builds a separate wall, leaving a no-man's land in between, which includes the pier. Each town becomes more isolated from its neighbors, except for the children who try to connect with their peers. One day, a young boy, Leo, appears and gains permission to build a cabin in no-man's land. The townspeople are curious about this newcomer. What will happen between Leo and the townspeople?

Tuula Pere's Between the Walls mirrors events happening in our world today. Children will see how disagreements can spiral out of control and lead to consequences no one wants to live with. Once things get out of control, it is often difficult for people to find their way back to each other. Leo and the children find a way to gently encourage a change of heart in the adults. The images by Andrea Alemanno are soft pencil-type drawings with just a few hints and splashes of color. The simple illustrations are filled with distinct characters and details. Between the Walls is a story that will provide children with a sense of hope in our often chaotic and fractious world.